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CIM_ActionA CIM_Action is an operation that is part of a process to either create a software element in its next state or to eliminate the software element in the current state.
CIM_ActionSequence The CIM_ActionSequence association is used to define a series of operations that either transitions the software element, referenced by the CIM_SoftwareElementActions association, to its next state or removes the software element from its current environment. The CIM_Action classes participating in this association must have the same value for the Direction property since they are either part of a sequence to transition a software element into its next state or to uninstall a software element. The next-state actions and uninstall actions associated with a particular software element must be a continuous sequence. Since the CIM_ActionSequence is an association the loops on the CIM_Action class with roles for the 'prior' action and 'next' action in a sequence, the need for a continuous sequence implies: (1)Within the set of next-state or uninstall actions, there is one and only one action that does not have an instance of the CIM_ActionSequence association referencing it in the 'next' role. This is the first action in the sequence. (2) Within the set of next-state or uninstall actions, there is one and only one action that does not have an instance of the CIM_ActionSequence association referencing it in the "prior" role. This is the last action in the sequence. (3) All other actions within the set of next-state and uninstall actions must participate in two instances of the CIM_ActionSequence association, one in a prior role and one in the next role.
CIM_ActsAsSpareThe CIM_ActsAsSpare association indicates which elements can spare or replace the other aggregated elements. The fact that a spare can operate in "hot standby" mode is specified on an element by element basis.
CIM_AdjacentSlotsCIM_AdjacentSlots describes the layout of slots on a hosting board or adapter card. Information like the distance between the slots and whether they are 'shared' (if one is populated, then the other slot can not be used), is conveyed as properties of the association.
CIM_AggregatePExtentThe CIM_AggregatePExtent class provides summary information about the addressable logical blocks which are in the same storage redundancy group and reside on the same physical media. This is an alternative grouping for physical extents, when only summary information is needed or when automatic configuration is used. Automatic configuration can result in thousands of physical extents being defined. There is no value in modeling the individual extents. So, the CIM_AggregatePExtent object was defined.
CIM_AggregatePSExtentCIM_AggregatePSExtent defines the number of addressable logical blocks on a single storage device, excluding any logical blocks mapped as check data. These logical blocks are contained within a single volume set (if volume sets are defined). This is an alternative grouping for CIM_ProtectedSpaceExtent, when only summary information is needed or when automatic configuration is used. Automatic configuration can result in thousands of CIM_ProtectedSpaceExtent being defined. There is no value in modeling the individual extents. So, the CIM_AggregatePSExtent object was defined.
CIM_AggregateRedundancyComponentDescribes the aggregate physical extent in a storage redundancy group.
CIM_AlarmDeviceAn alarm device is a type of device that emits audible or visible indications related to a problem situation.
CIM_AllocatedResourceAn association between logical devices and system resources, indicating that the resource is assigned to the device.
CIM_ApplicationSystem The CIM_ApplicationSystem class is used to represent an application or a software system that supports a particular business function and that can be managed as an independent units. Such a system can be decomposed into its functional components using the CIM_SoftwareFeature class. The software features for a particular application or software system are located using the CIM_ApplicationSystemSoftwareFeature association.
CIM_ApplicationSystemSoftwareFeature The CIM_ApplicationSystemSoftwareFeature associations identifies the software features that make up a particular application system. The software features can be part of different products.
CIM_AssociatedAlarmLogical devices may have one or more alarm devices associated with them, in order to indicate problem situations. This relationship is indicated by the CIM_AssociatedAlarm dependency.
CIM_AssociatedBatteryA logical device may use or require one or more batteries. This relationship is described by the CIM_AssociatedBattery dependency. It is also possible to model the individual batteries that comprise a UPS, using this association.
CIM_AssociatedCoolingMany devices, such as processors or power supplies, require their own cooling devices. This association indicates where fans or other cooling devices are specific to a device, versus providing enclosure or cabinet cooling.
CIM_AssociatedMemoryLogical devices may have memory installed on them or otherwise associated with them - such as cache memory. This is made explicit in this association.
CIM_AssociatedProcessorMemoryAssociates the processor and system memory, or a processor's cache.
CIM_AssociatedSensorMany devices include sensors or have sensors installed nearby, in order to measure critical input and output properties. This association indicates that relationship.
CIM_AssociatedSupplyCurrentSensorA power supply may have an associated current sensor, monitoring its input frequency. This is described by this association.
CIM_AssociatedSupplyVoltageSensorA power supply may have an associated voltage sensor, monitoring its input voltage. This is described by this association.
CIM_BasedOnCIM_BasedOn is an association describing how storage extents can be assembled from lower level extents. For example, protected space extents are parts of physical extents, while volume sets are assembled from one or more physical or protected space extents. As another example, cache memory can be defined independently and realized in a physical element or can be 'based on' volatile or non-volatile storage extents.
CIM_BatteryCapabilities and management of the battery logical device. This class applies to both batteries in laptop systems and other internal/external batteries, such as used in, or as UPSs.
CIM_BinarySensorA BinarySensor provides a boolean output. Given the addition of the CurrentState and PossibleStates properties to Sensor, the BinarySensor subclass is no longer necessary, but is retained for backward compatibility. A BinarySensor can be created by instantiating a Sensor with two PossibleStates.
CIM_BIOSElementCIM_BIOSElement represents the low-level software that is loaded into non-volatile storage and used to bring up and configure a computer system.
CIM_BIOSFeatureCIM_BIOSFeature represents the capabilities of the low-level software that is used to bring up and configure a computer system.
CIM_BIOSFeatureBIOSElementsA link between BIOS feature and its aggregated BIOS elements.
CIM_BIOSLoadedInNVA link between BIOS element and non-volatile storage where the BIOS is loaded.
CIM_BootOSFromFSA link between the operating system and the file system(s) from which this operating system is loaded. The association is many-to-many since a distributed OS could depend on several file systems in order to correctly and completely load.
CIM_BootSAPA representation of the access points of a boot service.
CIM_BootServiceCIM_BootService represents the functionality provided by a device, software or via a network to load an operating system on a unitary computer system.
CIM_BootServiceAccessBySAPCIM_BootServiceAccessBySAP is the relationship between a boot service and its access points.
CIM_CacheMemoryCapabilities and management of cache memory. Cache memory is dedicated or allocated RAM that a Processor searches first for data, before going to 'regular' memory. CacheMemory is used to speed up the delivery of data to a Processor. It is usually described by its closeness to the Processor (for example, Primary or Secondary Cache).\nIf a DiskDrive includes RAM allocated for holding the disk's most recently read and/or adjacent data (in order to speed up retrieval), this also would be modeled as CacheMemory. Note that CacheMemory is NOT operating system or application level buffers but actual RAM allocated for caching data for a Processor, from a hard disk, etc.
CIM_CardThe CIM_Card class represents a type of physical container that can be plugged into another card or hosting board, or is itself a hosting board/motherboard in a chassis. The CIM_Card class includes any package capable of carrying signals and providing a mounting point for physical components, such as chips, or other physical packages, such as other cards.
CIM_CardInSlotSlots are special types of connectors into which adapter cards are inserted. This relationship of a card in a slot is made explicit using the CIM_CardInSlot association.
CIM_CardOnCardCards may be plugged into motherboards/baseboards, are daughtercards of an adapter, or support special card-like modules. These relationships are described by the CIM_CardOnCard association.
CIM_CDROMDriveThe CIM_CDROMDrive class represents a CD-ROM drive on the system. Note: The name of the drive does not correspond to the logical drive letter assigned to device, which is the name of the logical storage device dependent on this drive.
CIM_ChassisThe CIM_Chassis class represents the physical elements that enclose other elements and provide definable functionality, such as a desktop, processing node, UPS, disk or tape storage, or a combination of these.
CIM_ChassisInRackRacks, as simple enclosures, contain chassis that provide the physical components realizing processing nodes, storage devices, UPSs, etc. The CIM_ChassisInRack association makes explicit the 'containing' relationship between the rack and the chassis.
CIM_Check A check is a condition or characteristic that is expected to be true in an environment defined or scoped by an instance of a CIM_ComputerSystem. The checks associated with a particular software element are organized into one of two groups using the Phase property of the CIM_SoftwareElementChecks association. Conditions that are expected to be satisfied when a software element is in a particular environment are known as in-state conditions. Conditions that need to be satisfied in order to transition the current software element to its next state are known as next-state conditions A CIM_ComputerSystem object represents the environment in which CIM_SoftwareElement are already installed or in which CIM_SoftwareElement will be installed. For the case in which a software element is already installed, the CIM_InstalledSoftwareElement association is used to identify the CIM_ComputerSystem object that represents the "environment". When a software elements is being distributed and installed on a different computer system, the CIM_ComputerSystem object for the targeted system is the environment.
CIM_ChipThe CIM_Chip class represents any type of integrated circuit hardware, including ASICs, processors, memory chips, etc.
CIM_ClusteringSAPA representation of the access points of a clustering service.
CIM_ClusteringServiceThe CIM_ClusteringService class represents the functionality provided by a cluster. For example, failover functionality may be modeled as a service of a failover cluster.
CIM_ClusterServiceAccessBySAPCIM_ClusterServiceAccessBySAP is the relationship between a clustering service and its access points.
CIM_CollectedCollectionsCIM_CollectedCollections is an aggregation association representing that a CollectionOfMSEs may itself be contained in a CollectionOfMSEs.
CIM_CollectedMSEsCIM_CollectedMSEs is a generic association used to establish the members of the grouping object, CollectionOfMSEs.
CIM_CollectionOfMSEsThe CollectionOfMSEs object allows the grouping of ManagedSystemElements for the purposes of associating Settings and Configurations. It is abstract to require further definition and semantic refinement in subclasses. The CollectionOfMSEs object does not carry any state or status information, but only represents a grouping or 'bag' of Elements. For this reason, it is incorrect to subclass groups that have state/status from CollectionOfMSEs - an example is CIM_RedundancyGroup (which is correctly subclassed from LogicalElement). Collections typically aggregate 'like' objects, and represent an optimization. Without Collections, one is forced to define individual ElementSetting and ElementConfiguration associations, to tie Settings and Configuration objects to individual ManagedSystemElements. There may be much duplication in assigning the same Setting to multiple objects. In addition, using the Collection object allows the determination that the Setting and Configuration associations are indeed the same for the Collection's members. This information would otherwise be obtained by defining the Collection in a proprietary manner, and then querying the ElementSetting and ElementConfiguration associations to determine if the Collection set is completely covered.
CIM_CollectionOfSensorsThe CIM_CollectionOfSensors association indicates the binary sensors that make up the multi-state sensor.
CIM_CollectionSettingCollectionSetting represents the association between a CollectionOfMSEs class and the Setting class(es) defined for them.
CIM_CompatibleProductCIM_CompatibleProduct is an association between products that can indicate a wide variety of information. For example, it can indicate that the two referenced products interoperate, that they can be installed together, that one can be the physical container for the other, etc. The string property, CompatibilityDescription, defines how the products interoperate or are compatible, any limitations regarding interoperability or installation, ...
CIM_ComponentCIM_Component is a generic association used to establish 'part of' relationships between Managed System Elements. For example, the SystemComponent association defines parts of a System.
CIM_ComputerSystemA class derived from CIM_System that is a special collection of CIM_ManagedSystemElement instances. This collection provides compute capabilities and serves as aggregation point to associate one or more of the following elements: file system, operating system, processor and memory (volatile and/or non-volatile storage).
CIM_ComputerSystemDMAAn association between a computer system and the DMA channels available on it.
CIM_ComputerSystemIRQAn association between a computer system and the IRQs available on it.
CIM_ComputerSystemMappedIOAn association between a computer system and the memory mapped I/O ports available on it.
CIM_ComputerSystemPackageSimilar to the way that logical devices are 'Realized' by physical elements, unitary computer systems are realized in one or more physical packages. The CIM_ComputerSystemPackage association explicitly defines this relationship.
CIM_ComputerSystemResourceAn association between a computer system and the system resources available on it.
CIM_ConfigurationThe Configuration object allows the grouping of sets of parameters (defined in CIM_Setting objects) and dependencies for one or more managed system elements. The Configuration object represents a certain behavior, or a desired functional state for the managed system elements. The desired functional state is typically driven by external requirements such as time or location. For example, to connect to a mail system from 'home', a dependency on a modem exists, but a dependency on a network adapter exists at 'work'. Settings for the pertinent logical devices (in this example, POTS modem and network adapter) can be defined and aggregated by CIM_Configuration. Therefore, two 'Connect to Mail' configurations may be defined grouping the relevant dependencies and CIM_Setting objects.
CIM_ConnectedToThe CIM_ConnectedTo association indicates that two or more physical connectors are connected together.
CIM_ConnectorOnPackagePhysical packages contain connectors as well as other physical elements. The CIM_ConnectorOnPackage association makes explicit the containment relationship between connectors and packages.
CIM_ContainerThe CIM_Container association represents the relationship between a contained and a containing physical element. A containing object must be a physical package.
CIM_ControlledByThe CIM_ControlledBy relationship indicates which devices are commanded by or accessed through the controller logical device.
CIM_ControllerController is a superclass for grouping the miscellaneous control-related Devices that exist. Examples of Controllers are SCSIControllers, USBControllers, SerialControllers, ... The Controller class is an abstraction for Devices with a single protocol stack, which exist primarily for communication to, and control or reset of downstream (ControlledBy) Devices.
CIM_CoolingDeviceCapabilities and management of cooling devices.
CIM_CopyFileAction The CIM_CopyFileAction specifies files that exist on a computer system, and to move or copy those files to a new location. The to/from information for the copy is specified using either the CIM_ToDirectorySpecification/CIM_FromDirectorySpecification or the CIM_ToDirectoryAction/CIM_FromDirectoryAction associations. The first set is used when the source and/or the target are to exist before any actions are taken. The second set is used when the source and/or target are created as a part of a previous action. In the latter case, the action to create the directory must occur prior to the CIM_CopyFileAction object.
CIM_CreateDirectoryAction The CIM_CreateDirectoryAction creates empty directories for software elements to be installed locally.
CIM_CurrentSensorThis class exists for backward compatibility to earlier CIM Schema definitions. With additions to Sensor and NumericSensor in V2.2, it is no longer necessary. A CurrentSensor can be defined by setting the SensorType property, inherited from Sensor, to 4 ("Current"). Other properties of this class are hard-coded to constant values to correspond to definitions in the sensor hierarchy.
CIM_DependencyA generic association to establish dependency relationships between objects.
CIM_DependencyContextThis relationship associates a CIM_Dependency with one or more CIM_Configuration objects. For example, a computer system's dependencies could change based on the site/network to which the system is attached.
CIM_DesktopMonitorCapabilities and management of the desktop monitor (CRT) logical device.
CIM_DeviceAccessedByFileSpecifies the logical device that is associated with, and accessed using the referenced CIM_DeviceFile.
CIM_DeviceConnectionThe CIM_DeviceConnection relationship indicates that two or more device are connected together.
CIM_DeviceErrorCountsCIM_DeviceErrorCounts is a statistical class containing error-related counters for a logical device. The types of errors are as defined by CCITT (Rec X.733) and ISO (IEC 10164-4).
CIM_DeviceFileA device file is a special type of logical file that represents a device. This convention is useful for some operating systems that manage devices using a byte stream I/O model. The logical device that is associated with this file is specified using the CIM_DeviceAccessedByFile relationship.
CIM_DeviceSAPImplementationAn association between a service access point and how it is implemented. The cardinality of this association is many-to-many. A SAP may be provided by more than one logical device, operating in conjunction. And, any device may provide more than one service access point. When many logical devices are associated with a single SAP, it is assumed that these elements operate in conjunction to provide the access point. If different implementations of a SAP exist, each of these implementations would result in individual instantiations of the service access point object. These individual instantiations would then have associations to the unique implementations.
CIM_DeviceServiceImplementationAn association between a service and how it is implemented. The cardinality of this association is many-to-many. A service may be provided by more than one logical device, operating in conjunction. And, any device may provide more than one service. When multiple devices are associated with a single service, it is assumed that these elements operate in conjunction to provide the service. If different implementations of a service exist, each of these implementations would result in individual instantiations of the service object. These individual instantiations would then have associations to the unique implementations.
CIM_DeviceSoftwareThe CIM_DeviceSoftware relationship identifies any software that is associated with a device - such as drivers, configuration or application software, or firmware.
CIM_DirectoryDirectory is a type of file that logically groups data files 'contained' in it, and provides path information for the grouped files.
CIM_DirectoryAction The CIM_DirectoryAction is an abstract class that is used for directories to be managed. Creation of directories is handled by CIM_CreateDirectoryAction and removal is handled by CIM_RemoveDirectoryAction.
CIM_DirectoryContainsFileThe CIM_DirectoryContainsFile class represents an association between a directory and files contained within that directory.
CIM_DirectorySpecification The CIM_DirectorySpecification class captures the major directory structure of a software element. This class is used to organize the files of a software element into manageable units that can be relocated on a computer system.
CIM_DirectorySpecificationFile The CIM_DirectorySpecificationFile association identifies the directorythat contains the file being specified by referencing the CIM_DirectorySpecification class.
CIM_DiscreteSensorA DiscreteSensor has a set of legal string values, that it can report. These values are enumerated in the Sensor's PossibleValues property. A DiscreteSensor will always have a 'current reading' that corresponds to one of the enumerated values. Given the addition of the CurrentState and PossibleStates properties to Sensor, the DiscreteSensor subclass is no longer necessary, but is retained for backward compatibility. Information in the CurrentReading and PossibleValues properties will typically have the same values and semantics as for the CurrentState and PossibleStates properties, inherited from Sensor.
CIM_DiskDriveThe CIM_DiskDrive class represents a physical disk drive as seen by the operating system. The features of the drive seen through this object correspond to the logical and management characteristics of the drive and, in some cases may not reflect the actual physical characteristics of the device. Any interface to a physical drive is a member of this class. Any object based on another logical device would not be a member of this class. Example: IDE Fixed Disk.
CIM_DisketteDriveCapabilities and management of a diskette drive, a subtype of CIM_MediaAccessDevice.
CIM_DiskPartitionA DiskPartition is a presentation of a contiguous range of logical blocks that is identifiable by the OperatingSystem via the Partition's type and subtype fields. DiskPartitions should be directly realized by PhysicalMedia (indicated by the RealizesDiskPartition association) or built on StorageVolumes (indicated by the PartitionBasedOnVolume association.
CIM_DiskSpaceCheckCIM_DiskSpaceCheck checks the amount of disk space the needs to be available on the system. The amount is specified in the AvailableDiskSpace property. The details of this checks are compared with the value of the AvailableSpace property of the CIM_FileSystem object associated with the CIM_ComputerSystem object that describes the environment. When the value of AvailableSpace property is greater than or equal to the value specified in AvailableDiskSpace, the condition is satisfied.
CIM_DisplayThe CIM_Display class is a superclass for grouping the miscellaneous display devices that exist.
CIM_DMAPersonal computer architecture DMA.
CIM_DockedA laptop, a type of chassis, may be docked in another type of chassis, a docking station. This is the relationship represented by the CIM_Docked association. Because this is such a typical relationship, it is explicitly described.
CIM_ElementCapacityCIM_ElementCapacity associates a CIM_PhysicalCapacity object with one or more physical elements. It serves to associate a description of min/max hardware requirements or capabilities (stored as a kind of CIM_PhysicalCapacity), with the physical elements being described.
CIM_ElementConfigurationThis association relates a CIM_Configuration object to one or more managed system elements. The CIM_Configuration object represents a certain behavior, or a desired functional state for the associated CIM_ManagedSystemElement.
CIM_ElementSettingElementSetting represents the association between ManagedSystemElements and the Setting class(es) defined for them.
CIM_ElementsLinkedThe CIM_ElementsLinked association indicates which physical elements are cabled together by a physical link.
CIM_ErrorCountersForDeviceCIM_ErrorCountersForDevice relates the CIM_DeviceErrorCounts class to the logical device to which it applies.
CIM_ExecuteProgram The CIM_ExecuteProgram causes files to be executed on the system where the software element is installed.
CIM_ExportAn association between a LocalFileSystem and its Directories indicating that the specified Directories are available for mount. When exporting an entire FileSystem, the Directory should reference the topmost directory of the FileSystem.
CIM_ExtraCapacityGroupA class derived from redundancy group indicating that the aggregated elements have more capacity or capability than is needed. An example of this type of redundancy is the installation of N+1 power supplies or fans in a system.
CIM_FanCapabilities and management of a fan cooling device.
CIM_FileAction The CIM_FileAction allows the author to locate files that already exist on the users machine, and move or copy those files to a new location.
CIM_FileSpecification A CIM_FileSpecification identifies a file that is either to be on or off the system. The file is to be located in the directory identified by the CIM_DirectorySpecificationFile associations. When the invoke() method is used, it is expected that it will use the combination of information provided to check for the file existence. Therefore, any of the properties with a NULL value are not checked. So, if only the Name and the MD5 properties have values, they are the only ones consider by the invoke() method.
CIM_FileStorageA link between the file system and the logical file(s) addressed through this file system.
CIM_FileSystemA file or data set store local to a computer system or remotely mounted from a file server.
CIM_FlatPanelCapabilities and management of the flat panel logical device.
CIM_FromDirectoryActionThe CIM_FromDirectoryAction association identifies the source directory for the file action. When this association is used, the assumption is that the source directory was created by a previous action. This association cannot exist with a CIM_FromDirectorySpecification association since a file action can only involve a single source directory.
CIM_FromDirectorySpecificationThe CIM_FromDirectorySpecification association identifies the source directory for the file action. When this association is used, the assumption is that the source directory already existed. This association cannot exist with a CIM_FromDirectoryAction association since a file action can only involve single source directory.
CIM_FRUThe CIM_FRU class is a vendor-defined collection of products and/or physical elements that is associated with a product for the purpose of supporting, maintaining or upgrading that product at the customer's location. FRU is an acronym for 'field replaceable unit'.
CIM_FRUIncludesProductIndicates that a FRU may be composed of other product(s).
CIM_FRUPhysicalElementsIndicates the physical elements that make up a FRU.
CIM_HeatPipeCapabilities and management of a heat pipe cooling device.
CIM_HostedAccessPointCIM_HostedAccessPoint is an association between a serviceaccess point and the system on which it is provided. The cardinality of this association is 1-to-many and is weak with respect to the system. Each system may host many service access points. Heuristic: If the implementation of the service access point is modeled, it must be implemented by a device or software feature that is part of the system hosting the service access point.
CIM_HostedBootSAPCIM_HostedBootSAP defines the hosting unitary computer system for a CIM_BootSAP. Since this relationship is subclassed from CIM_HostedAccessPoint, it inherits the scoping/naming scheme defined for CIM_ServiceAccessPoint - where an access point is weak to its hosting system. In this case, CIM_BootSAP must be weak to its hosting CIM_UnitaryComputerSystem.
CIM_HostedBootServiceCIM_HostedBootService defines the hosting system for a boot service. Since this relationship is subclassed from CIM_HostedService, it inherits the scoping/naming scheme defined for service - where a service is weak to its hosting system.
CIM_HostedFileSystemA link between the computer system and the file system(s) hosted on this computer system.
CIM_HostedJobDestinationAn association between a job destination and a system on which it resides. The cardinality of this association is 1-to-many. A system may host many job queues. Job destinations are weak with respect to their hosting system. Heuristic: A job destination is hosted on the system where the logical devices, software features or services that implement/provide the job destination are located.
CIM_HostedServiceCIM_HostedService is an association between a service and the system on which the functionality resides. The cardinality of this association is 1-to-many. A system may host many services. services are weak with respect to their hosting system. Heuristic: A service is hosted on the system where the logical devices or software features that implement the service are located. The model does not represent services hosted across multiple systems. This is modeled as an application system that acts as an aggregation point for services, that are each located on a single host.
CIM_InfraredControllerCapabilities and management of an CIM_InfraredController.
CIM_InstalledOSA link between the computer system and the operating system(s) installed or loaded on it. An operating system is 'installed' on a computer system, when placed on one of its storage extents - for example, copied to a disk drive or downloaded to memory. Using this definition, an operating system is 'installed' on a NetPC when downloaded via the network.
CIM_InstalledSoftwareElement The CIM_InstalledSoftwareElement association allows one to identify the computer system a particular software element is installed on.
CIM_IRQThe CIM_IRQ class represents an Intel architecture IRQ
CIM_JobCIM_Job is a logical element representing a unit of work for a system, such as a print job. A job is distinct from a process in that a job can be scheduled.
CIM_JobDestinationCIM_JobDestination is a logical element representing where a job is submitted for processing. It can refer to a queue that contains zero or more jobs, such as a print queue containing print jobs. job destinations are hosted on systems, similar to the way that services are hosted on systems.
CIM_JobDestinationJobsAn association describing where a job is submitted for processing, i.e. to which job destination.
CIM_KeyboardCapabilities and management of the keyboard logical device.
CIM_LinkHasConnectorCables and links utilize physical connectors to actually 'connect' physical elements. This association explicitly defines this relationship of connectors for CIM_PhysicalLink.
CIM_LocalFileSystemA class derived from FileSystem that represents the file store controlled by a ComputerSystem through local means (e.g., direct device driver access). In this case, the file store is managed directly by the ComputerSystem without the need for another computer to act as a file server. This definition does not breakdown in the case of a Clustered File System. In this scenario, the FileSystem is a LocalFileSystem, weak to the Cluster.
CIM_LocationThe Location class specifies the position and address of a physical element.
CIM_LogicalDeviceAn abstraction or emulation of a hardware entity, that may or may not be realized in physical hardware. Any characteristics of logical devices that are used to manage its operation or configuration are contained in, or associated with, the CIM_LogicalDevice object. Examples of the operational properties for a printer would be paper sizes supported, or detected errors. Examples of the configuration properties of a sensor device would be threshold settings. Various configurations could exist for a logical device. These configurations could be contained in CIM_Setting objects and associated with the logical device.
CIM_LogicalDiskA LogicalDisk is a presentation of a contiguous range of logical blocks that is identifiable by a FileSystem via the Disk's DeviceId (key) field. For example in a Windows environment, the DeviceID field would contain a drive letter. In a Unix environment, it would contain the access path; and in a NetWare environment, DeviceID would contain the volume name. LogicalDisks are typically built on a DiskPartition or StorageVolume (for example, exposed by a software volume manager) using the LogicalDiskBasedOnPartition or LogicalDiskBasedOnVolume associations. However, it can be based on other StorageExtents, like CIM_Memory, in the case of a RAM disk. The latter is described using the LogicalDiskBasedOnExtent relationship. (Indeed, the BasedOnExtent association is the superclass for the BasedOnPartition and BasedOnVolume relationships.)
CIM_LogicalDiskBasedOnPartitionLogicalDisks can be BasedOn a DiskPartition. For example, a personal computer's C: drive may be located on a Partition on local PhysicalMedia. In this association of LogicalDisks to Partitions, note that the cardinality of the Antecedent, DiskPartition, is Max(1). This dictates that a LogicalDisk can not span more than one Partition. However, there are cases where this is true. When it occurs, the LogicalDisk is really based on some kind of RAID configuration (for example, a mirror or stripe set). In these scenarios, the LogicalDisk is more correctly BasedOn a StorageVolume. To prevent incorrectly using the LogicalDiskBasedOnPartition association, the Max(1) qualifier was put on the Antecedent reference to the DiskPartition.
CIM_LogicalDiskBasedOnVolumeSetLogicalDisks can be BasedOn a single Volume (for example, exposed by a software volume manager), or be BasedOn a DiskPartition directly. The former relationship is made explicit in this association.
CIM_LogicalElementThe CIM_LogicalElement class is the base class for all the components of the system that represent abstract system components. Example: profiles, processes, or system capabilities in the form of logical devices.
CIM_LogicalFileThe CIM_LogicalFile class represents a named collection of data (this can be executable code) located in a file system on a storage extent.
CIM_LogicalIdentityCIM_LogicalIdentity is an abstract and generic association, indicating that two LogicalElements represent different aspects of the same underlying entity. This relationship conveys what could be defined with multiple inheritance. It is restricted to the 'logical' aspects of a ManagedSystemElement. In most scenarios, the Identity relationship is determined by the equivalence of Keys or some other identifying properties of the related Elements. The association should only be used in well understood scenarios. This is why the association is abstract - allowing more concrete definition and clarification in subclasses. One of the scenarios where this relationship is reasonable is to represent that a Device is both a 'bus' entity and a 'functional' entity. For example, a Device could be both a USB (bus) and a Keyboard (functional) entity.
CIM_MagnetoOpticalDriveCapabilities and management of a magneto-optical drive, a subtype of media access device.
CIM_ManagedSystemElementThe CIM_ManagedSystemElement class is the base class for the system element hierarchy. Membership criteria: Any distinguishable component of a system is a candidate for inclusion in this class. Examples: software components, such as files; and devices, such as disk drives and controllers, and physical components such as chips and cards.
CIM_ManagementControllerCapabilities and management of a management controller. An I2C microcontroller is a type of management controller.
CIM_MediaAccessDeviceCIM_MediaAccessDevice represents the ability to access one or more media and use this media to store and retrieve data.
CIM_MediaPresentWhere a storage extent must be accessed through a media access device, this relationship is described by the CIM_MediaPresent association.
CIM_MemoryCapabilities and management of memory-related logical devices.
CIM_MemoryCapacityCIM_MemoryCapacity describes the type of memory that can be installed on a physical element and its minimum/maximum configurations. Information on what memory is currently 'installed', versus an element's min/max requirements, is located in instances of the CIM_PhysicalMemory class.
CIM_MemoryCheckCIM_MemoryCheck specifies a condition for the minimum amount of memory that needs to be available on a system. The amount is specified in the MemorySize property. The details of this checks are compared with the value of the FreePhysicalMemory property of the CIM_OperatingSystem object referenced by an CIM_InstalledOS association for the CIM_ComputerSystem object that describes the environment. When the value of FreePhysicalMemory property is greater than or equal to the value specified in MemorySize, the condition is satisfied.
CIM_MemoryMappedIOPersonal Computer architecture Memory Mapped I/O. This class addresses both memory and port I/O resources. The property, MappedResource, defines whether memory or I/O is mapped (and for I/O whether the mapping is to a memory or a port space.
CIM_MemoryOnCardPhysical memory can be located on hosting boards, adapter cards, etc. This association explicitly defines this relationship of memory to cards.
CIM_MemoryWithMediaCIM_MemoryWithMedia indicates that memory is associated with a physical media and its cartridge. The memory provides media identification and also stores user-specific data.
CIM_ModifySettingActionThis class specifies the information to be used to modify a particular setting file for a specific entry with a specific value. The value specified is created as a new entry or appends to, replaces, removes from, or deletes the specified entry. All additions are assumed to be case sensitive. Removes are assumed to be case insensitive.
CIM_MonitorResolutionCIM_MonitorResolution describes the relationship between horizontal and vertical resolutions, refresh rate and scan mode for a desktop monitor. The actual resolutions, etc. that are in use, are the values specified in the video controller object.
CIM_MonitorSettingCIM_MonitorSetting associates the monitor resolution with the desktop monitor to which it applies.
CIM_MountAn association between a FileSystem and a Directory which indicates that the Directory is being attached to the FileSystem. The semantics of this relationship require that the mounted Directory be contained by a FileSystem (via the FileStorage association) that is different from the FileSystem referenced as the Dependent. The Directory's containing FileSystem could be either local or remote. For example, a LocalFileSystem on a Solaris ComputerSystem can mount a Directory from the FileSystem accessed via the machine's CDROM drive, i.e., another LocalFileSystem. On the other hand, in a 'remote' case, the Directory is first exported by its FileSystem, which is hosted on another ComputerSystem acting (for example) as a file server. In order to distinguish these two types of Mount, it is recommended that a CIM_Export association always be defined for the remotely accessed/mounted Directories.
CIM_MultiStateSensorA multi-state sensor is a multi-member set of binary sensors, each binary sensor reporting a boolean result.
CIM_NetworkAdapterNetworkAdapter is an Abstract class defining general networking hardware concepts (for example, PermanentAddress or Speed of operation). NetworkAdapters are Devices with the ability to support multiple, higher level protocols and provide the implementation behind the Network Model's ProtocolEndpoint class. (This information is conveyed using the DeviceSAPImplementation association, defined in the Core Model.) NetworkAdapters and their Endpoints represent the potential for connectivity among peers. The 'potential for connectivity' is very different than the master-slave/controller-controlled by relationships of CIM_Controller. Sometimes, however, a single Device is both a kind of NetworkAdapter and a Controller - for example, when a FibreChannelAdapater is operating as a ComputerSystem's SCSIController. In this case, there are aspects of the Device that are network oriented and others that are Controller oriented - and, both the Controller and Adapter classes should be instantiated. A DeviceIdentity relationship would also be created to tie together these differing aspects/abstractions of the Device.
CIM_NFSA class derived from RemoteFileSystem representing that the FileSystem is mounted, using the NFS protocol, from a ComputerSystem. The properties of the NFS object deal with the operational aspects of the mount and represent the client-side configuration for NFS access. The FileSystemType (inherited from FileSystem) should be set to indicate the type of this FileSystem as it appears to the client.
CIM_NonVolatileStorageCapabilities and management of NV Storage. Non-volatile memory natively includes flash and ROM storage. In addition, NV memory can be BasedOn VolatileStorage, if the volatile memory is backed by a Battery. This scenario would be completely described by an instance of the AssociatedBattery relationship, referencing the NonVolatileStorage as the Dependent and the Battery as the Antecedent, and an instance of the BasedOn relationship, referencing the NonVolatileStorage as the Dependent and the VolatileStorage as the Antecedent.
CIM_NumericSensorA numeric sensor is capable of returning numeric readings and optionally supports thresholds settings.
CIM_OperatingSystemAn operating system is software/firmware that makes a computer system's hardware usable, and implements and/or manages the resources, file systems, processes, user interfaces, services, ... available on the computer system.
CIM_OperatingSystemSoftwareFeatureIndicates the software features that make up the operating system. The software features can be part of different products.
CIM_OSProcessA link between the operating system and one or more processes running in the context of this operating system.
CIM_OSVersionCheck The CIM_OSVersionCheck class specifies the versions of the OS that can support this software element. This check can be for a specific, minimum, maximum or a range of releases of an OS. To specify a specific version the minimum and maximum versions must be the same. To specify a minimum, the minimum version needs only be specified. To specify a maximum version, the maximum version needs only be specified. To specify a range both minimum and maximum version need to be specified. The type of operating system is specified in the TargetOperatingSystem property of the owning software element. The details of this checks are compared with the corresponding details found in a CIM_OperatingSystem object referenced by CIM_InstalledOS association for the CIM_ComputerSystem object that describes the environment. As long as there is at least one CIM_OperatingSystem that satisfies the details of the condition, the check is satisfied. In other words, all the operating systems on the relevant computer system do not need to satisfy the condition. There needs to be at least one. Also, note the OSType property of the CIM_OperatingSystem class must match the type of the TargetOperatingSystem property.
CIM_PackageAlarmOften, an alarm device is installed as part of a package, not to indicate issues with any particular logical device or physical component, but with the package's environment in general, its security state or its overall health. This relationship is described by the CIM_PackageAlarm association.
CIM_PackageCoolingOften, a cooling device is installed in a package such as a chassis or a rack, not for a specific device, but to assist in the cooling of the package in general. This relationship is described by the CIM_PackageCooling association.
CIM_PackagedComponentA component is typically contained by a physical package, such as a chassis or card. The CIM_PackagedComponent association makes this relationship explicit. In the first sentence, the word, 'typically', is used. This is because a component may be removed from, or not yet inserted into, its containing package (i.e., the Removable boolean property is TRUE). Therefore, a component may not always be associated with a container.
CIM_PackageInChassisA chassis can contain other packages, such as other chassis and cards. The CIM_PackageInChassis association makes explicit this relationship.
CIM_PackageInSlotComplex networking devices often are chassis-based. These chassis allow for enhancement and/or augmentation of their base functionality by accepting additional chassis devices, similar to accepting functionality in the form of adding cards. This association models this capability.
CIM_PackageTempSensorOften, a temperature sensor is installed in a package such as a chassis or a rack, not to measure any particular device, but the package's environment in general. This relationship is described by the CIM_PackageTempSensor association.
CIM_ParallelControllerCapabilities and management of the parallel port logical device
CIM_ParticipatesInSetCIM_ParticipatesInSet indicates which physical elements should be replaced together.
CIM_PCIControllerPCIController is a superclass for the PCIBridge and PCIDevice classes. These classes model adapters and bridges on a PCI bus. The properties in PCIController and its subclasses are defined in the various PCI Specifications published by the PCI SIG.
CIM_PCMCIAControllerCapabilities and management of a PCMCIA controller.
CIM_PCVideoControllerCapabilities and management of a PC video controller, a subtype of video controller.
CIM_PExtentRedundancyComponentDescribes the physical extents participating in a storage redundancy group.
CIM_PhysicalCapacityCIM_PhysicalCapacity is an abstract class describing a physical element's minimum/maximum requirements and ability to support different types of hardware. For example, minimum and maximum memory requirements can be modeled as a subclass of CIM_PhysicalCapacity.
CIM_PhysicalComponentThe CIM_PhysicalComponent class represents any low-level or basic component within a package. Any physical element that is not a link, connector, or package is a descendent (or member) of this class. For example, the UART chipset on an internal modem card would be a subclass (if additional properties or associations are defined) or an instance of CIM_PhysicalComponent.
CIM_PhysicalConnectorThe CIM_PhysicalConnector class represents any physical element that is used to connect to other elements. Any object that can be used to connect and transmit signals or power between two or more physical elements is a descendant (or member) of this class. For example, slots and D-shell connectors are types of physical connectors.
CIM_PhysicalElementSubclasses of CIM_PhysicalElement define any component of a system that has a distinct physical identity. Instances of this class can be defined in terms of labels that can be physically attached to the object. All processes, files, and logical devices are considered not to be physical elements. For example, it is not possible to attach a label to a modem. It is only possible to attach a label to the card that implements the modem. The same card could also implement a LAN adapter. These are tangible managed system elements (usually actual hardware items) that have a physical manifestation of some sort. A managed system element is not necessarily a discrete component. For example, it is possible for a single card (which is a type of physical element) to host more than one logical device. The card would be represented by a single physical element associated with multiple logical devices.
CIM_PhysicalElementLocationCIM_PhysicalElementLocation associates a physical element with a CIM_Location object for inventory or replacement purposes.
CIM_PhysicalExtentA PhysicalExtent is used to model an SCC RAID implementation. It defines the consecutive addressable block addresses on a single storage device, that are treated as a single StorageExtent and that are in the same StorageRedundancyGroup. An alternate possibility, if automatic configuration is used, is to instantiate or extend the AggregatePExtent class.
CIM_PhysicalFrameCIM_PhysicalFrame is a superclass of rack, chassis and other frame enclosures, as they are defined in extension classes. Properties like visible or audible alarm, and data related to security breaches are in this superclass.
CIM_PhysicalLinkThe CIM_PhysicalLink class represents the cabling of physical elements together. For example, serial or Ethernet cables, and infrared Links would be subclasses (if additional properties or associations are defined) or instances of CIM_PhysicalLink. In many cases, the numerous physical cables within a physical package or network will not be modeled. However, where these cables or links are critical components, or are tagged assets of the company, these objects can be instantiated using this class or one of its descendent classes.
CIM_PhysicalMediaThe CIM_PhysicalMedia class represents any type of documentation or storage medium, such as tapes, CD ROMs, etc. This class is typically used to locate and manage removable media (versus media sealed with the media access device, as a single package, as is the case with hard disks). However, 'sealed' media can also be modeled using this class, where the media would then be associated with the physical package using the CIM_PackagedComponent relationship.
CIM_PhysicalMemoryCIM_PhysicalMemory is a subclass of CIM_Chip, representing low level memory devices - SIMMS, DIMMs, raw memory chips, etc.
CIM_PhysicalPackageThe CIM_PhysicalPackage class represents physical elements that contain or host other components. Examples are a rack enclosure or an adapter card.
CIM_PointingDeviceThe CIM_PointingDevice class represents a device used to point to regions on the display. Membership criteria: Any device used to manipulate a pointer or point to regions on a visual display is a member of this class. Example: A mouse, stylus, touch pad, or tablet.
CIM_PotsModemThe POTSModem class represents a Device that translates binary data into wave modulations for sound based transmission. It connects to the POTS (Plain Old Telephone System) network.
CIM_PowerSupplyCapabilities and management of the power supply logical device.
CIM_PrinterCapabilities and management of the Printer LogicalDevice.
CIM_ProcessEach instance of the CIM_Process class represents a single instance of a running program. A user of the OperatingSystem will typically see a Process as an application or task. Within an OperatingSystem, a Process is defined by a workspace of memory resources and environmental settings that are allocated to it. On a multitasking System, this workspace prevents intrusion of resources by other Processes. Additionally, a Process can execute as multiple Threads, all which run within the same workspace.
CIM_ProcessExecutableA link between a process and a data file indicating that the file participates in the execution of the process. Note: In order to receive all possible instances of this class, the SE_DEBUG_PRIVILEGE should be enabled.
CIM_ProcessorCapabilities and management of the processor logical device.
CIM_ProcessThreadA link between a process and the thread(s) running in the context of this process.
CIM_ProductCIM_Product is a concrete class that is a collection of physical elements, software features and/or other products, acquired as a unit. Acquisition implies an agreement between supplier and consumer which may have implications to product licensing, support and warranty.
CIM_ProductFRUCIM_ProductFRU is an association between product and FRU that provides information regarding what product components have been or are being replaced. The association is one to many, conveying that a product can have many FRUs, and that a particular instance of a FRU is only applied to one (instance of a) product.
CIM_ProductParentChildThe CIM_ProductParentChild association defines a parent child hierarchy among products. For example, a product may come bundled with other products.
CIM_ProductPhysicalElementsIndicates the physical elements that make up a product.
CIM_ProductProductDependencyCIM_ProductProductDependency is an association between two products, indicating that one must be installed, or must be absent, for the other to function. This is conceptually equivalent to the CIM_ServiceServiceDependency association.
CIM_ProductSoftwareFeatures The CIM_ProductSoftwareFeatures association identifies the software features for a particular product.
CIM_ProductSupportCIM_ProductSupport is an association between product and support Access that conveys how support is obtained for the product. This is a many-to-many relationship, implying that various types of support are available for a product, and that the same support object can provide assistance for multiple products.
CIM_ProtectedSpaceExtentCIM_ProtectedSpaceExtent define addressable logical block addresses, treated as a single storage extent, located on a single physical extent. Protected space extents exclude any logical blocks mapped as check data and contain user data stripe depth mapping information. An alternate possibility, if automatic configuration is used, is to instantiate or extend the CIM_AggregatePSExtent class.
CIM_PSExtentBasedOnPExtentProtected space extents are based on a physical extent. This relationship is made explicit in this association.
CIM_RackA rack is a physical frame that represents an enclosure in which chassis are placed. Typically a rack is nothing more than the enclosure, and all the functioning components are packaged in the chassis, loaded in the rack.
CIM_RealizesCIM_Realizes is the association that defines the mapping between a logical device and the physical component that implements the device.
CIM_RealizesAggregatePExtentCIM_AggregatePExtent is realized on a physical media. This relationship is made explicit by the CIM_RealizesAggregatePExtent association.
CIM_RealizesDiskPartitionDiskPartitions can be directly realized on a PhysicalMedia. This is used to model the creation of Partitions on a raw SCSI or IDE drive, using the fdisk (DOS and Unix) or pdisk (Unix) command. The StartingAddress of the DiskPartition on the PhysicalMedia is also specified as a property of this relationship. An alternative is that Partitions can be BasedOn StorageVolumes, such as a VolumeSet or a Volume exposed by a hardware RAID cabinet. The latter relationship is modeled using the DiskPartitionBasedOnVolume association.
CIM_RealizesPExtentPhysical extents are realized on a physical media. This relationship is made explicit by the CIM_RealizesPExtent association. In addition, the starting address of the physical extent on the physical media is specified here.
CIM_RebootAction The CIM_RebootAction causes a reboot of the system where the software element is installed.
CIM_RedundancyComponentThe CIM_RedundancyComponent class associates a redundancy group composed of managed system elements and indicates that these elements, taken together, provide redundancy. All elements aggregated in a redundancy group should be instantiations of the same object class.
CIM_RedundancyGroupA class derived from CIM_LogicalElement that is a special collection of managed system elements. This collection indicates that the aggregated components together provide redundancy. All elements aggregated in a redundancy group should be instantiations of the same object class.
CIM_RefrigerationCapabilities and management of a refrigeration cooling device.
CIM_RelatedStatisticsCIM_RelatedStatistics is an association that defines hierarchies and/or dependencies of related CIM_StatisticalInformation classes.
CIM_RemoteFileSystemA class derived from FileSystem that represents access of the FileSystem via a network-related service. In this case, the file store is hosted by a computer, acting as a file server. For example, the file store for an NFS FileSystem is typically NOT on a ComputerSystem's locally controlled media, nor is it directly accessed through a device driver. Subclasses of RemoteFileSystem contain client-side configuration information related to the access of the FileSystem.
CIM_RemoveDirectoryAction The CIM_RemoveDirectoryAction removes directories for software elements.
CIM_RemoveFileActionThe CIM_RemoveFileAction uninstalls files.
CIM_ReplacementSetThe CIM_ReplacementSet class aggregates physical elements that must be 'replaced' or 'FRUed' together. For example, when replacing a memory card, the component memory chips could be removed and replaced as well. Or, a set of memory chips may be specified to be replaced or upgraded together using this association.
CIM_ResidesOnExtentAn association between a FileSystem and the StorageExtent where it is located. Typically, a FileSystem ResidesOn a LogicalDisk.
CIM_RunningOSCIM_RunningOS indicates the currently executing operating system. At most one operating system can execute at any time on a computer system. 'At most one' is specified, since the computer system may not be currently booted, or its operating system may be unknown.
CIM_SAPSAPDependencyCIM_SAPSAPDependency is an association between a service access point and another service access point indicating that the latter is required in order for the former service access point to utilize or connect with its service. For example, to print at a network printer, local print access points must utilize underlying network-related SAPs, or protocol endpoints, in order to send the print request.
CIM_ScannerCapabilities and management of the scanner logical device.
CIM_SCSIControllerCapabilities and management of the SCSI controller, logical device.
CIM_SCSIInterfaceCIM_SCSIInterface is a CIM_ControlledBy relationship indicating which devices are accessed through a SCSI controller and the characteristics of this access.
CIM_SensorThe CIM_Sensor class represents a hardware device capable of measuring the characteristics of some physical property - for example, the temperature or voltage characteristics of a unitary computersystem.
CIM_SerialControllerCapabilities and management of the serial port, logical device.
CIM_SerialInterfaceCIM_SerialInterface is a CIM_ControlledBy relationship indicating which devices are accessed through the serial controller and the characteristics of this access.
CIM_ServiceA CIM_Service is a Logical Element that contains the information necessary to represent and manage the functionality provided by a Device and/or SoftwareFeature. A Service is a general-purpose object to configure and manage the implementation of functionality. It is not the functionality itself.
CIM_ServiceAccessBySAPCIM_ServiceAccessBySAP is an association that identifies the access points for a service. For example, a printer may be accessed by NetWare, Macintosh or Windows service accesspoints, potentially hosted on different systems.
CIM_ServiceAccessPointCIM_ServiceAccessPoint represents the ability to utilize or invoke a service. Access points represent that a service is made available to other entities for use.
CIM_ServiceSAPDependencyCIM_ServiceSAPDependency is an association between a service and a service access point indicating that the referenced SAP is utilized by the service to provide its functionality. For example, boot services may invoke BIOS' disk services (interrupts) in order to function.
CIM_ServiceServiceDependencyCIM_ServiceServiceDependency is an association between a service and another service, indicating that the latter is required to be present, required to have completed, or must be absent for the former service to provide its functionality. For example, boot services may be dependent upon underlying BIOS Disk and initialization services. In the case of the initialization services, the boot service is simply dependent on the init services completing. For the disk services, boot services may actually utilize the SAPs of this service. This usage dependency is modeled via the CIM_ServiceSAPDependency association.
CIM_SettingThe Setting class represents configuration-related and operational parameters for one or more ManagedSystemElement(s). A ManagedSystemElement may have multiple Setting objects associated with it. The current operational values for an Element's parameters are reflected by properties in the Element itself or by properties in its associations. These properties do not have to be the same values present in the Setting object. For example, a modem may have a Setting baud rate of 56Kb/sec but be operating at 19.2Kb/sec.
CIM_SettingCheck This class specifies information needed to check a particular setting file for a specific entry that contains a value that is equal to, or contains, the value specified. All compares are assumed to be case insensitive.
CIM_SettingContextThis relationship associates Configuration objects with Setting objects. For example, a NetworkAdapter's Settings could change based on the site/network to which its hosting ComputerSystem is attached. In this case, the ComputerSystem would have two different Configuration objects, corresponding to the differences in network configuration for the two network segments. Configuration A would aggregate a Setting object for the NetworkAdapter when operating on segment "ANet", whereas Configuration B would aggregate a different NetworkAdapter Setting object, specific to segment "BNet". Note that many Settings of the computer are independent of the network Configuration. For example, both Configurations A and B would aggregate the same Setting object for the ComputerSystem's MonitorResolution.
CIM_SlotThe Slot class represents Connectors into which Packages are inserted. For example, a PhysicalPackage that is a DiskDrive may be inserted into an SCA 'Slot'. As another example, a Card (subclass of PhysicalPackage) may be inserted into a 16-, 32-, or 64-bit expansion 'Slot' on a HostingBoard. PCI or PCMCIA Type III Slots are examples of the latter.
CIM_SlotInSlotSlots are special types of connectors into which adapter cards are typically inserted. The CIM_SlotInSlot relationship represents the ability of a special adapter to extend the existing slot structure to enable otherwise incompatible cards to be plugged into a frame or hosting board. The adapter effectively creates a new slot and can be thought of (conceptually) as a slot in a slot. This enables cards that would otherwise be physically and/or electrically incompatible with the existing slots to be supported, by interfacing to the slot provided by the adapter. This has many practical uses. For example, networking boards are very expensive. As new hardware becomes available, chassis and even card configurations change. To protect the investment of their customers, networking vendors will manufacture special adapters that enable old cards to fit into new chassis or HostingBoards and/or new cards to fit into old. This is done using a special adapter that fits over one or more existing slots and presents a new slot into which the card can plug.
CIM_SoftwareElement The CIM_SoftwareElement class is used to decompose a CIM_SoftwareFeature object into a set of individually manageable or deployable parts for a particular platform. A software element's platform is uniquely identified by its underlying hardware architecture and operating system (for example Sun Solaris on Sun Sparc or Windows NT on Intel). As such, to understand the details of how the functionality of a particular software feature is provided on a particular platform, the CIM_SoftwareElement objects referenced by CIM_SoftwareFeatureSoftwareElement associations are organized in disjoint sets based on the TargetOperatingSystem property. A CIM_SoftwareElement object captures the management details of a part or component in one of four states characterized by the SoftwareElementState property.
CIM_SoftwareElementActions This association is used to identify the actions for a software element.
CIM_SoftwareElementChecks Since software elements in a ready to run state cannot transition into another state, the value of the phase property is restricted to in-state for CIM_SoftwareElement objects in a ready to run state.
CIM_SoftwareElementVersionCheck The CIM_SoftwareElementVersionCheck class specifies a type of software element that must exist in the environment. This check can be for a specific, minimum, maximum or a range of versions. To specify a specific version the lower and upper versions must be the same. To specify a minimum the lower version needs only be specified. To specify a maximum version the upper version needs only be specified. To specify a range both upper and lower version need to be specified. The details of this checks are compared with the corresponding details found in a CIM_SoftwareElement object referenced by an CIM_InstalledSoftwareElement association for the CIM_ComputerSystem object. As long as there is at least one CIM_SoftwareElement that satisfies the details of the condition, the check is satisfied. In other words, all the software elements on the relevant computer system do not need to satisfy the condition. There needs to be at least one.
CIM_SoftwareFeature The CIM_SoftwareFeature class defines a particular function or capability of a product or application system. This class in intended to capture the level of granularity that is meaningful to a consumer or user of a product rather than the units that reflect how the product is built or packaged. The latter detailed is captured using a CIM_SoftwareElement class. When a software feature can exist on multiple platforms or operating systems (for example, a client component of a three tiered client/server applications might run on Solaris, Windows NT, and Windows 95), a software feature is a collection of all the software elements for these different platforms. In this case, the users of the model must be aware of this situation since typically they will be interested in a sub-collection of the software elements required for a particular platform. Software features are always defined in the context of a CIM_Product class using the CIM_ProductSoftwareFeatures association since features are delivered through products. Optionally, software features from one or more products can be organized into application systems using the CIM_ApplicationSystemSoftwareFeature association.
CIM_SoftwareFeatureSAPImplementation An association between a service access point and how it is implemented in software. The cardinality of this association is many-to-many. A SAP may be provided by more than one software feature, operating in conjunction. And, any software feature may provide more than one service access point. a When many software features are associated with single SAP, it is assumed that these elements operate in conjunction to provide the access point. If different implementations of a SAP exist, each of these implementations would result in individual instantiations of the service access point object. These individual instantiations would then have associations to the unique implementations.
CIM_SoftwareFeatureServiceImplementation An association between a service and how it is implemented in software. The cardinality of this association is many-to-many. A service may be provided by more than one software feature, operating in conjunction. And, any software Feature may provide more than one service. When multiple software features are associated with a single service, it is assumed that these elements operate in conjunction to provide the service. If different implementations of a service exist, each of these implementations would result in individual instantiations of the service object. These individual instantiations would then have associations to the unique implementations.
CIM_SoftwareFeatureSoftwareElements The CIM_SoftwareFeatureSoftwareElements associations identifies the software elements that make up a particular software feature.
CIM_SpareGroupA class derived from RedundancyGroup indicating that one or more of the aggregated elements can be spared. (The actual Spares are defined using the ActsAsSpare association.) An example is the use of redundant NICs in a ComputerSystem - where one NIC is primary and the other is Spare. The 'primary' NIC would be a member of the SpareGroup (associated using the RedundancyComponent class) and the 'other' NIC would be associated using the ActsAsSpare relationship.
CIM_StatisticalInformationCIM_StatisticalInformation is a root class for any arbitrary collection of statistical data and/or metrics applicable to one or more managed system elements.
CIM_StatisticsCIM_Statistics is an association that relates managed system elements to the statistical group(s) that apply to them.
CIM_StorageDefectThe CIM_StorageDefect aggregation collects the storage errors for a storage extent.
CIM_StorageErrorCIM_StorageError defines blocks of media or memory space that are mapped 'out of use' due to errors. The Key of the class is the StartingAddress property of the bytes in error.
CIM_StorageExtentStorageExtent describes the capabilities and management of the various media that exist to store data and allow data retrieval. This superclass could be used to represent the various components of RAID (Hardware or Software) or as a raw logical extent on top of physical media.
CIM_StorageRedundancyGroupA class derived from redundancy group containing mass storage-related redundancy information. Storage redundancy groups are used to protect user data. They are made up of one or more physical extents, or one or more aggregate physical extents. Storage redundancy groups may overlap. However, the underlying extents within the overlap should not contain any check data.
CIM_StorageVolumeA StorageVolume is an Extent that is presented to the Operating System (for example, by a hardware RAID cabinet), to a File System (for example, by a software volume manager) or to another entity. StorageVolumes do NOT participate in StorageRedundancy Groups. They are directly Realized in hardware or are the end result of assembling lower level Extents.
CIM_SupportAccessThe CIM_SupportAccess association defines how to obtain assistance for a Product.
CIM_SwapSpaceCheck The CIM_SwapSpaceCheck class specifies the amount of swap space that needs to be available on the system. The amount is specified in the SwapSpaceSize property. The details of this checks are compared with the corresponding details found in a CIM_OperatingSystem object referenced by CIM_InstalledOS association for the CIM_ComputerSystem object describing the environment. When the value of TotalSwapSpaceSize property is greater than or equal to the value specified in SwapSpacesize, the condition is satisfied.
CIM_SystemA CIM_System is a LogicalElement that aggregates an enumerable set of Managed System Elements. The aggregation operates as a functional whole. Within any particular subclass of System, there is a well-defined list of Managed System Element classes whose instances must be aggregated.
CIM_SystemComponentCIM_SystemComponent is a specialization of the CIM_Component association that establishes 'part of' relationships between a System and the Managed System Elements of which it is composed.
CIM_SystemDeviceLogical devices may be aggregated by a system. This relationship is made explicit by the CIM_SystemDevice association.
CIM_SystemResourceThe CIM_SystemResource class is an entity managed by BIOS and/or an operating system which is available for use by software and/or logical devices. Examples of Resources in the x86 environment are IRQs, DMA channels and memory mapped I/O.
CIM_TachometerThis class exists for backward compatibility to earlier CIM Schema definitions. With additions to Sensor and NumericSensor in V2.2, it is no longer necessary. A Tachometer can be defined by setting the SensorType property. inherited from Sensor, to 5 ("Tachometer"). Other properties of this class are hard-coded to constant values to correspond to definitions in the Sensor hierarchy.
CIM_TapeDriveThe CIM_TapeDrive class represents a tape drive on the system. Tape drives are primarily distinguished by the fact that they can only be accessed sequentially.
CIM_TemperatureSensorThis class exists for backward compatibility to earlier CIM Schema definitions. With additions to Sensor and NumericSensor in V2.2, it is no longer necessary. A TempertatureSensor can be defined by setting the SensorType property, inherited from Sensor, to 2 ("Temperature"). Other properties of this class are hard-coded to constant values to correspond to definitions in the sensor hierarchy.
CIM_ThreadThreads represent the ability to execute units of a process or task in parallel. A process can have many threads, each of which is weak to the process.
CIM_ToDirectoryActionThe CIM_ToDirectoryAction association identifies the target directory for the file action. When this association is used, the assumption is that the target directory was created by a previous action. This association cannot exist with a CIM_ToDirectorySpecification association since a file action can only involve a single target directory.
CIM_ToDirectorySpecificationThe CIM_ToDirectorySpecification association identifies the target directory for the file action. When this association is used, the assumption is that the target directory already existed. This association cannot exist with a CIM_ToDirectoryAction association since a file action can only involve a single target directory.
CIM_UninterruptiblePowerSupplyCapabilities and management of an uninterruptible power supply. The properties of the UPS device indicate when incoming power is trimmed or boosted, and the aggregated information of the batteries, generators, etc. that comprise the device. These individual components (for example, multiple batteries) can also be independently modeled and associated with the UPS.
CIM_UnitaryComputerSystemA class derived from CIM_ComputerSystem that represents a desktop, mobile, network PC, server or other type of a single node computer system.
CIM_USBControllerCapabilities and management of a USB controller.
CIM_USBControllerHasHubUSBControllerHasHub defines the Hub(s) that are downstream of the USBController.
CIM_USBDeviceThe management characterisitics of a USB Device. These
CIM_USBHubUSB Hub Device.
CIM_UserDeviceUser devices are logical devices that allow a computer system's users to input, view or hear data. The CIM_UserDevice class is a superclass from which other classes, such as CIM_Keyboard or CIM_DesktopMonitor, descend.
CIM_VersionCompatibilityCheck The CIM_VersionCompatibilityCheck class specifies whether it is permissible to create the next state of a software element.
CIM_VideoBIOSElementCIM_VideoBIOSElement represents the low-level software that is loaded into non-volatile storage and used to bring up, configure and access a computer system's video controller and display.
CIM_VideoBIOSFeatureCIM_VideoBIOSFeature represents the capabilities of the low-level software that is used to bring up, configure and use a computer system's video controller and display.
CIM_VideoBIOSFeatureVideoBIOSElementsA link between video BIOS feature and its aggregated video BIOS elements.
CIM_VideoControllerCapabilities and management of the video controller.
CIM_VideoControllerResolutionCIM_VideoControllerResolution describes the various video modes that a video controller can support. Video modes are defined by the possible horizontal and vertical resolutions, refresh rate, scan mode and number of colors settings supported by a controller. The actual resolutions, etc. that are in use, are the values specified in the CIM_VideoController object.
CIM_VideoSettingThe CIM_VideoSetting class associates the CIM_VideoControllerResolution setting object with the controller to which it applies.
CIM_VolatileStorageCapabilities and management of volatile storage.
CIM_VoltageSensorThis class exists for backward compatibility to earlier CIM Schema definitions. With additions to Sensor and NumericSensor in V2.2, it is no longer necessary. A VoltageSensor can be defined by setting the SensorType property, inherited from Sensor, to 3 ("Voltage"). Other properties of this class are hard-coded to constant values to correspond to definitions in the sensor hierarchy.
CIM_VolumeSetCIM_VolumeSet represents a contiguous range of logical blocks presented to the operating environment for reading and writing user data. Volume sets shall not overlap one another. They are based on one or more physical extents, protected space extents, or aggregate extents (all of the same type). These based on associations should be instantiated or subclassed as needed.
CIM_WORMDriveCapabilities and management of a WORM drive, a subtype of media access device.
Msft_ProvidersThe Msft_Providers class exposes configuration relating to provider instances
Msft_WmiProvider_AccessCheck_PostThe Msft_WmiProvider_AccessCheck_Post event class represents an event generated immediately following completion of the provider's implementation of IWbemEventSecurity :: AccessCheck.
Msft_WmiProvider_AccessCheck_PreThe Msft_WmiProvider_AccessCheck_Pre event class represents an event generated immediately prior to calling the provider's implementation of IWbemEventSecurity :: AccessCheck.
Msft_WmiProvider_CancelQuery_PostThe Msft_WmiProvider_CancelQuery_Post event class represents an event generated immediately following completion of the provider's implementation of IWbemEventProviderQuerySink :: CancelQuery.
Msft_WmiProvider_CancelQuery_PreThe Msft_WmiProvider_CancelQuery_Pre event class represents an event generated immediately prior to calling the provider's implementation of IWbemEventProviderQuerySink :: CancelQuery.
Msft_WmiProvider_ComServerLoadOperationEventThe Msft_WmiProvider_ComServerLoadOperationEvent event class defines the successful activation of a com server instanceassociated with the provider registration.
Msft_WmiProvider_ComServerLoadOperationFailureEventThe Msft_WmiProvider_ComServerLoadOperationFailureEvent event class defines the unsuccessful activation of a com server instanceassociated with the provider registration.
Msft_WmiProvider_CountersThMsft_WmiProvider_Counters class exposes approximate internal operation call count information accross all providers.
Msft_WmiProvider_CreateClassEnumAsyncEvent_PostThe Msft_WmiProvider_CreateClassEnumAsyncEvent_Post event class represents an event generated immediately following completion of the provider's implementation of IWbemServices :: CreateClassEnumAsync.
Msft_WmiProvider_CreateClassEnumAsyncEvent_PreThe Msft_WmiProvider_CreateClassEnumAsyncEvent_Pre event class represents an event generated immediately prior to calling the provider's implementation of IWbemServices :: CreateClassEnumAsync.
Msft_WmiProvider_CreateInstanceEnumAsyncEvent_PostThe Msft_WmiProvider_CreateInstanceEnumAsyncEvent_Post event class represents an event generated immediately following completion of the provider's implementation of IWbemServices :: CreateInstanceEnumAsync.
Msft_WmiProvider_CreateInstanceEnumAsyncEvent_PreThe Msft_WmiProvider_CreateInstanceEnumAsyncEvent_Pre event class represents an event generated immediately prior to calling the provider's implementation of IWbemServices :: CreateInstanceEnumAsync.
Msft_WmiProvider_DeleteClassAsyncEvent_PostMsft_WmiProvider_DeleteClassAsyncEvent_Post event class represents an event generated immediately following completion of the provider's implementation of IWbemServices :: DeleteClassAsync.
Msft_WmiProvider_DeleteClassAsyncEvent_PreThe Msft_WmiProvider_DeleteClassAsyncEvent_Pre event class represents an event generated immediately prior to calling the provider's implementation of IWbemServices :: DeleteClassAsync.
Msft_WmiProvider_DeleteInstanceAsyncEvent_PostThe Msft_WmiProvider_DeleteInstanceAsyncEvent_Post event class represents an event generated immediately following completion of the provider's implementation of IWbemServices :: DeleteInstanceAsync.
Msft_WmiProvider_DeleteInstanceAsyncEvent_PreThe Msft_WmiProvider_DeleteInstanceAsyncEvent_Pre event class represents an event generated immediately prior to calling the provider's implementation of IWbemServices :: DeleteInstanceAsync.
Msft_WmiProvider_ExecMethodAsyncEvent_PostThe Msft_WmiProvider_ExecMethodAsyncEvent_Post event class represents an event generated immediately following completion of the provider's implementation of IWbemServices :: ExecMethodAsync.
Msft_WmiProvider_ExecMethodAsyncEvent_PreThe Msft_WmiProvider_ExecMethodAsyncEvent_Pre event class represents an event generated immediately prior to calling the provider's implementation of IWbemServices :: ExecMethodAsync.
Msft_WmiProvider_ExecQueryAsyncEvent_PostThe Msft_WmiProvider_ExecQueryAsyncEvent_Post event class represents an event generated immediately following completion of the provider's implementation of IWbemServices :: ExecQueryAsync.
Msft_WmiProvider_ExecQueryAsyncEvent_PreThe Msft_WmiProvider_ExecQueryAsyncEvent_Pre class represents an event generated immediately prior to calling the provider's implementation of IWbemServices :: ExecQueryAsync.
Msft_WmiProvider_GetObjectAsyncEvent_PostThe Msft_WmiProvider_GetObjectAsyncEvent_Post event class representes an event generated immediately following completion of the provider's implementation of IWbemServices :: GetObjectAsync.
Msft_WmiProvider_GetObjectAsyncEvent_PreThe Msft_WmiProvider_GetObjectAsyncEvent_Pre event class represents an event generated immediately prior to calling the provider's implementation of IWbemServices :: GetObjectAsync.
Msft_WmiProvider_InitializationOperationEventThe Msft_WmiProvider_InitializationOperationEvent event class defines the successful initialization of the provider server instance. Following activation of the provider server, the WMI will attempt to initialize the instance provider through a number of COM interface method calls.
Msft_WmiProvider_InitializationOperationFailureEventThe Msft_WmiProvider_InitializationOperationFailureEvent event class defines the unsuccessful initialization of the provider server instance. Following activation of the provider server, the WMI willattempt to initialize the instance provider through a number of COM interface method calls. This event defines the unsuccessful initialization of the provider server instance.
Msft_WmiProvider_LoadOperationEventThe Msft_WmiProvider_LoadOperationEvent event class defines the successful activation and initialization of the provider cache entry. WMI caches provider registration objects to decrease overallexecution time. The substem will drop cache entries either through the cache ageing process, through loss of RPC connectivity, through user control or due to some change in the provider's registration.
Msft_WmiProvider_LoadOperationFailureEventWMI caches provider registration objects to decrease overallexecution time. The substem will drop cache entries either through the cache ageing process, through loss of RPC connectivity, through user control or due to some change in the provider's registration. This event defines the unsuccessful activation and initialization of the provider cache entry.
Msft_WmiProvider_NewQuery_PostThe Msft_WmiProvider_NewQuery_Post event class represents an event generated immediately following completion of the provider's implementation of IWbemEventProviderQuerySink :: NewQuery.
Msft_WmiProvider_NewQuery_PreThe Msft_WmiProvider_NewQuery_Pre event class represents an event generated immediately prior to calling the provider's implementation of IWbemEventProviderQuerySink :: NewQuery.
Msft_WmiProvider_OperationEventThe Msft_WmiProvider_OperationEvent event class is the root definition of all WMI provider events.A provider operation is defined as some execution on behalf of a client via WMI that resultsin one or more calls to a provider executable, The properties of this class define the identity of the provider associated with the operation being executed and is uniquely associated with instances of the class Msft_Providers. Each instance of __Win32Provider can have an associated operation and be identified using the properties below. Internally WMI can contain any number of objects that refer to a particular instance of __Win32Provider since it differentiates each object based on whether the provider supports per user or per locale instantiation and also depending on where the provider is being hosted. Currently TransactionIdentifier is always an empty string.
Msft_WmiProvider_OperationEvent_PostThe Msft_WmiProvider_OperationEvent_Post event class contains the operation event generated following completion of provider implementation.
Msft_WmiProvider_OperationEvent_PreThe Msft_WmiProvider_OperationEvent_Pre event class contains the operation event generated prior to calling provider implementation.
Msft_WmiProvider_ProvideEvents_PostThe Msft_WmiProvider_ProvideEvents_Post event class represents an event generated immediately following completion of the provider's implementation of IWbemEventProvider :: ProvideEvents.
Msft_WmiProvider_ProvideEvents_PreThe Msft_WmiProvider_ProvideEvents_Pre event class represents an event generated immediately prior to calling the provider's implementation of IWbemEventProvider :: ProvideEvents.
Msft_WmiProvider_PutClassAsyncEvent_PostThe Msft_WmiProvider_PutClassAsyncEvent_Post event class represents an event generated immediately following completion of the provider's implementation of IWbemServices :: PutClassAsync.
Msft_WmiProvider_PutClassAsyncEvent_PreThe Msft_WmiProvider_PutClassAsyncEvent_Pre event class represents an event generated immediately prior to calling the provider's implementation of IWbemServices :: PutClassAsync.
Msft_WmiProvider_PutInstanceAsyncEvent_PostThe Msft_WmiProvider_PutInstanceAsyncEvent_Post event class represents an event generated immediately following completion of the provider's implementation of IWbemServices :: PutInstanceAsync.
Msft_WmiProvider_PutInstanceAsyncEvent_PreThe Msft_WmiProvider_PutInstanceAsyncEvent_Pre event class represents an event generated immediately prior to calling the provider's implementation of IWbemServices :: PutInstanceAsync.
Msft_WmiProvider_UnLoadOperationEventThe Msft_WmiProvider_UnLoadOperationEvent event class defines the removal of the provider cache entry. At this point there will be no reference held by WMI onthe COM server instance. WMI caches provider registration objects to decrease overallexecution time. The substem will drop cache entries either through the cache ageing process, through loss of RPC connectivity, through user control or due to some change in the provider's registration.
ScriptingStandardConsumerSettingProvides registration data common to all instances of the Active Script Consumer
Win32_1394ControllerThe Win32_1394Controller class represents the capabilities and management of a 1394 controller. IEEE 1394 is a specification for a high speed serial bus.
Win32_1394ControllerDeviceThe Win32_1394ControllerDevice class represents an association between the high-speed serial bus (IEEE 1394 Firewire) Controller and the CIM_LogicalDevice connected to it. This serial bus provides enhanced connectivity for a wide range of devices, including consumer audio/video components, storage peripherals, other computers, and portable devices. IEEE 1394 has been adopted by the consumer electronics industry and provides a Plug and Play-compatible expansion interface.
Win32_AccountThe Win32_Account class contains information about user accounts and group accounts known to the Win32 system. User or group names recognized by a Windows NT domain are descendents (or members) of this class. The Win32_Account class is not included in a default hardware inventory operation.
Win32_AccountSIDThe SID of an account
Win32_ACESpecifies an access control entry
Win32_ActionCheckThis association relates an MSI action with any locational information it requires. This location is in the form of a file and/or directory specification.
Win32_ActiveRouteThe ActiveRoute class assoctiates the current IP4 Route being used with the persisted IP route table.
Win32_AllocatedResourceThe Win32_AllocatedResource class represents an association between logical devices and system resources. This class is used to discover which resources, such as IRQs, or DMA channels, are in-use by a specific device. This class has been deprecated in favor of the Win32_PNPAllocatedResource class.
Win32_ApplicationCommandLine The ApplicationCommandLine association allows one to to identify connection between an application and it's command line access point.
Win32_ApplicationServiceThe Win32_ApplicationService class represents any installed or advertised components or applications available on the system. Instances of this class include all properly installed and instrumented executables.
Win32_AssociatedBatteryThe Win32_AssociatedBattery represents an association between a logical device and the battery it is using.
Win32_AssociatedProcessorMemoryThe Win32_AssociatedProcessorMemory class represents an association between a processor and its cache memory.
Win32_AutochkSettingThis class represents the settings for the autochk operation for a disk. The setting applies to all disks on the computer system. Note that the settings are applicable only to instances of logical disk that represent physical disks on the machine and not to mapped drives.
Win32_BaseBoardThe Win32_BaseBoard class represents a base board (also known as a motherboard or system board).
Win32_BaseServiceThe Win32_BaseService class represents executable objects that are installed in a registry database maintained by the Service Control Manager. The executable file associated with a service can be started at boot time by a boot program or by the system. It can also be started on-demand by the Service Control Manager. Any service or process that is not owned by a specific user, and that provides an interface to some functionality supported by the computer system, is a descendent (or member) of this class. Example: The dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) client service on a Windows NT/Windows 2000 computer system.
Win32_BatteryThe Win32_Battery class represents a battery connected to the computer system. This class applies to both batteries in Laptop Systems and other internal/external batteries.
Win32_BinaryInstances ofthis class represent binary information (such as bitmapps, icons, executables, etc...) that are used by an installation.
Win32_BindImageActionThe BindImage action binds each executable that needs to be bound to the DLLs imported by it by computing the virtual address of each function that is imported from all DLLs. The computed virtual address is then saved in the importing image's Import Address Table (IAT). The action works on each file installed locally.
Win32_BIOSThe Win32_BIOS class represents the attributes of the computer system's basic input/output services (BIOS) that are installed on the computer.
Win32_BootConfigurationThe Win32_BootConfiguration class represents the boot configuration of a Win32 system.
Win32_BusThe Win32_Bus class represents a physical bus as seen by a Win32 operating system. Any instance of a Win32 bus is a descendent (or member) of this class. Example: USB Bus.
Win32_CacheMemoryThe Win32_CacheMemory class represents cache memory (internal and external) on a computer system.
Win32_CDROMDriveThe Win32_CDROMDrive class represents a CD-ROM drive on a Win32_ComputerSystem. Note: The name of the drive does not correspond to the logical drive letter assigned to device.
Win32_CheckCheckThis association relates a MSI Check with any locational information it requires. The location is in the form of a file and/or directory specification.
Win32_CIMLogicalDeviceCIMDataFileThe Win32_CIMLogicalDeviceCIMDataFile class represents an association between logical devices and data files, indicating the driver files used by the device. This class is used to discover which device drivers a device uses.
Win32_ClassicCOMApplicationClassesThe Win32_ClassicCOMApplicationClasses class represents an association between a DCOM application and a COM component grouped under it.
Win32_ClassicCOMClassThe Win32_ClassicCOMClass class represents the properties of a COM component.
Win32_ClassicCOMClassSettingThe Win32_ClassicCOMClassSetting class represents the settings of a COM component.
Win32_ClassicCOMClassSettingsThe Win32_ClassicCOMClassSettings class represents an association between a COM class and the settings used to configure instances of the COM class.
Win32_ClassInfoActionThe RegisterClassInfo action manages the registration of COM class information with the system. In the Advertise mode the action registers all COM classes for which the corresponding feature is enabled. Else the action registers COM classes for which the corresponding feature is currently selected to be installed.
Win32_ClientApplicationSettingThe Win32_ClientApplicationSetting class represents an association between an executable and a DCOM application that contains the DCOM configuration options for the executable.
Win32_CodecFileThe Win32_CodecFile class represents the audio or video codec installed on the computer system. Codecs convert one media format type to another, typically a compressed format to an uncompressed format. The name "codec" is derived from a combination of "compress" and "decompress." For example, a codec can convert a compressed format such as MS-ADPCM to an uncompressed format such as PCM, which most audio hardware can play directly.
Win32_CollectionStatisticsThis class represents an association between a managed system element collection and the class representing statistical information about the collection.
Win32_COMApplicationThe Win32_COMApplication class represents a COM application. In this context, a COM application is a logical grouping of COM classes.
Win32_COMApplicationClassesThe Win32_COMApplicationClasses class represents an association between a COM component and the COM application where it resides.
Win32_COMApplicationSettingsThe Win32_COMApplicationSettings class represents an association between a DCOM application and its configuration settings.
Win32_COMClassThe Win32_COMClass class represents the properties of a Component Object Model (COM) component.
Win32_ComClassAutoEmulatorThe Win32_ComClassAutoEmulator class represents an association between a COM class and another COM class that it automatically emulates.
Win32_ComClassEmulatorThe Win32_ComClassEmulator class represents an association between two versions of a COM class.
Win32_CommandLineAccessThe Win32_CommandLineAccess class represents the command line interface to a service or application. The name of the access point is always the full command line text.
Win32_ComponentCategoryThe Win32_ComponentCategory class represents a component category. Component categories are groups of COM classes with a defined functionality set shared between them. A client using these interfaces queries the registry for the category title and unique identifier called a CategoryID, which is created from a globally unique identifier (GUID).
Win32_ComputerShutdownEventThis event class represents events when a computer has begun the process of shutting down.
Win32_ComputerSystemThe Win32_ComputerSystem class represents a computer system operating in a Win32 environment.
Win32_ComputerSystemEventThis event class represents events related to a computer sytem.
Win32_ComputerSystemProcessorThe Win32_ComputerSystemProcessor class represents an association between a computer system and a processor running on that system.
Win32_ComputerSystemProductThe Win32_ComputerSystemProduct class represents a product. This includes software and hardware used on this computer system.
Win32_ComputerSystemWindowsProductActivationSettingThis class represents an association between Win32_ComputerSystem and Win32_WindowsProductActivation
Win32_COMSettingThe Win32_COMSetting class represents the settings associated with a COM component or COM application.
Win32_ConditionThe Condition class can be used to modify the selection state of any entry in the Feature class, based on a conditional expression. If Condition evaluates to True, the corresponding Level value in the Feature class will be set to the value specified in the Condition class's Level column. Using this mechanism, any feature can be permanently disabled (by setting the Level to 0), set to be always installed (by setting the Level to 1), or set to a different install priority (by setting Level to an intermediate value). The Level may be set based upon any conditional statement, such as a test for platform, operating system, a particular property setting, etc.
Win32_ConnectionShareThe Win32_ConnectionShare class represents an association between a shared resource on the computer and the connection made to the shared resource.
Win32_ControllerHasHubUSBControllerHasHub defines the Hub(s) that are downstream of the USBController.
Win32_CreateFolderActionThe CreateFolder action creates empty folders for components set to be installed locally. The removal of these folders is handled by the RemoveFolders action. When a folder is created (and didn't already exist), it is registered with the appropriate component id.
Win32_CurrentProbeThe Win32_CurrentProbe class represents the properties of a current monitoring sensor (ammeter).
Win32_DCOMApplicationThe Win32_DCOMApplication class represents the properties of a DCOM application.
Win32_DCOMApplicationAccessAllowedSettingThe Win32_DCOMApplicationAccessAllowedSetting class is an association between the Win32_DCOMApplicationand the user sid's that can access it
Win32_DCOMApplicationLaunchAllowedSettingThe Win32_DCOMApplicationLaunchAllowedSetting class is an association between the Win32_DCOMApplicationand the user sid's that can launch it
Win32_DCOMApplicationSettingThe Win32_DCOMApplicationSetting class represents the settings of a DCOM application. It contains DCOM configuration options associated with the AppID key in the registry. These options are valid on the components logically grouped under the given application class.
Win32_DefragAnalysisA DefragAnalysis is the result of executing the Win32_Volume::DefragAnalysis or Defrag methods;it is passed as an [out] parameter from these methods.
Win32_DependentServiceThe Win32_DependentService class represents an association between two interdependent base services.
Win32_DesktopThe Win32_Desktop class represents the common characteristics of a user's desktop. The properties of this class can be modified by the user to customize the desktop.
Win32_DesktopMonitorThe Win32_DesktopMonitor class represents the type of monitor or display device attached to the computer system.
Win32_DeviceBusThe Win32_DeviceBus class represents an association between a system bus and a logical device using the bus. This class is used to discover which devices are on which bus.
Win32_DeviceChangeEventThe Win32_DeviceChangeEvent class represents device change events resulting from the addition, removal or modification of devices on the computer system. This includes changes in the hardware configuration (docking and undocking), the hardware state, or newly mapped devices (mapping of a network drive). For example, a device has changed when a WM_DEVICECHANGE message is sent.
Win32_DeviceMemoryAddressThe Win32_DeviceMemoryAddress class represents a device memory address on a Win32 system. Example: ScsiPort0 device memory address.
Win32_DeviceSettingsThe Win32_DeviceSettings class represents an association between a logical device and a setting that can be applied to it.
Win32_DfsNodeThe Win32_DfsNode class represents a root or a link of a domain based or a standalone distributed file system (DFS).
Win32_DfsNodeTargetThe Win32_DfsNodeTarget class associates a DFS node to one of its targets.
Win32_DfsTargetThe DfsTarget class represents a target of a DFS link.
Win32_DirectoryThe Win32_Directory class represents a directory entry on a Win32 computer system. Directory is a type of file that logically groups data files 'contained' in it and provides path information for the grouped files. Example: C:\TEMP.
Win32_DirectorySpecificationThis class represents the directory layout for the product. Each instance of the class represents a directory in both the source image and the destination image. Directory resolution is performed during the CostFinalize action and is done as follows: Root destination directories: Root directories entries are those with a null Directory_Parent value or a Directory_Parent value identical to the Directory value. The value in the Directory property is interpreted as the name of a property defining the location of the destination directory. If the property is defined, the destination directory is resolved to the property's value. If the property is undefined, the ROOTDRIVE property is used instead to resolve the path. Root source directorires: The value of the DefaultDir column for root entries is interpreted as the name of a property defining the source location of this directory. This property must be defined or an error will occur. Non-root destination directories: The Directory value for a non-root directory is also interpreted as the name of a property defining the location of the destination. If the property is defined, the destination directory is resolved to the property's value. If the property is not defined, the destination directory is resolved to a sub-directory beneath the resolved destination directory for the Directory_Parent entry. The DefaultDir value defines the name of the sub-directory. Non-root source directories: The source directory for a non-root directory is resolved to a sub-directory of the resolved source directory for the Directory_Parent entry. Again, the DefaultDir value defines the name of the sub-directory.
Win32_DiskDriveThe Win32_DiskDrive class represents a physical disk drive as seen by a computer running the Win32 operating system. Any interface to a Win32 physical disk drive is a descendent (or member) of this class. The features of the disk drive seen through this object correspond to the logical and management characteristics of the drive. In some cases, this may not reflect the actual physical characteristics of the device. Any object based on another logical device would not be a member of this class. Example: IDE Fixed Disk.
Win32_DiskDrivePhysicalMediaThe Win32_PhysicalElementsOfDiskDrive association defines the mapping between a disk drive and the physical components that implement it.
Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartitionThe Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition class represents an association between a disk drive and a partition existing on it.
Win32_DiskPartitionThe Win32_DiskPartition class represents the capabilities and management capacity of a partitioned area of a physical disk on a Win32 system. Example: Disk #0, Partition #1.
Win32_DiskQuotaThe Win32_DiskQuota association class tracks disk space usage for NTFS volumes. System administrators can configure Windows to prevent further disk space use and log an event when a user exceeds a specified disk space limit. They can also log an event when a user exceeds a specified disk space warning level. Note that disk quotas cannot be set for the Administrator accounts themselves.
Win32_DisplayConfigurationThe Win32_DisplayConfiguration class represents configuration information for the display device on a Win32 system. This class is being deprecated in favor of the properties in Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor, and CIM_VideoControllerResolution
Win32_DisplayControllerConfigurationThe Win32_DisplayControllerConfiguration class represents the video adapter configuration information of a Win32 system. This class has been deprecated in favor of Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor, and CIM_VideoControllerResolution classes
Win32_DMAChannelThe Win32_DMAChannel class represents a direct memory access (DMA) channel on a Win32 computer system. DMA is a method of moving data from a device to memory (or vice versa) without the help of the microprocessor. The system board uses a DMA controller to handle a fixed number of channels, each of which can be used by one (and only one) device at a time.
Win32_DriverForDeviceThe Win32_DriverForDevice class represents an association between a printing device on a Win32 computer system and the driver that supports this device.
Win32_DriverVXDThe Win32_DriverVXD class represents a virtual device driver on a Win32 computer system. A virtual device is a program that manages a system resource (such as a hardware device or installed software) so that more than one application can use the resource at the same time. Windows uses virtual devices to allow multitasking for Windows-based applications. The virtual devices work in conjunction with Windows to process interrupts, and carry out I/O operations for a given application without disrupting the execution of other applications. Most virtual devices manage a hardware device and many also manage or replace corresponding software such as ROM BIOS routines. A virtual device can contain the device-specific code needed to carry out actions on the device or it can rely on the other software to carry out these operations. In all cases, the virtual device keeps track of the state of the device for each application and ensures that the device is in the correct state whenever an application continues execution. Some virtual devices manage only installed software, such as an MS-DOS device driver or a Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) program. Such virtual devices often contain code that either emulates the software or ensures that the software uses data that applies only to the currently running application. Virtual devices are sometimes used to improve the performance of installed software; the Intel-compatible microprocessors can execute the 32-bit code of a virtual device more efficiently than the 16-bit code of an MS-DOS device driver or TSR.
Win32_DuplicateFileActionThe DuplicateFileAction allows the author to make one or more duplicate copies of files installed by the InstallFiles executable action, either to a different directory than the original file, or to the same directory, but with a different name.
Win32_EnvironmentThe Win32_Environment class represents an environment or system environment setting on a Win32 computer system.
Win32_EnvironmentSpecificationInstances of this class contain information about any environment variables that may need to be registered for their associated products installation.
Win32_ExtensionInfoActionThe ExtensionInfoAction manages the registration of extension related information with the system. The action registers the extension servers for which the corresponding feature is currently selected to be uninstalled.
Win32_FanThe Win32_Fan class represents the properties of a fan device in the computer system. For example, the CPU cooling fan.
Win32_FileSpecificationEach instance of this class represents a source file with it's various attributes, ordered by a unique, non-localized identifier. For uncompressed files, the File property is ignored, and the FileName column is used for both the source and destination file name. You must set the 'Uncompressed' bit of the Attributes column for any file that is not compressed in a cabinet.
Win32_FloppyControllerThe Win32_FloppyController class represents the capabilities and management capacity of a floppy disk drive controller.
Win32_FloppyDriveThe Win32_FloppyDrive class manages the capabilities of a floppy disk drive.
Win32_FontInfoActionThe RegisterFonts action registers installed fonts with the system. It maps the Font.FontTitle to the path of the font file installed. The RegisterFonts action is triggered when the Component to which the Font.File_ belongs is selected for install. This implies that fonts can be made private, shared or system by making the Components to which they belong so.
Win32_GroupThe Win32_Group class represents data about a group account. A group account allows access privileges to be changed for a list of users. Example: Marketing2.
Win32_GroupInDomainThe Win32_GroupInDomain relationship identifies the group accounts associated with a NT domain.
Win32_GroupUserThe Win32_GroupUser class represents an association between a group and an account that is a member of that group.
Win32_HeatPipeThe Win32_HeatPipe class represents the properties of a heat pipe cooling device.
Win32_IDEControllerThe Win32_IDEController class manages the capabilities of an IDE controller device.
Win32_IDEControllerDeviceThe Win32_IDEControllerDevice class represents an association between an Integrated Drive Electronics (IDE) controller and the logical device, for example, a disk drive, connected to it.
Win32_ImplementedCategoryThe Win32_ImplementedCategory class represents an association between a component category and the COM classusing its interfaces.
Win32_InfraredDeviceThe Win32_InfraredDevice class represents the capabilities and management of an infrared device.
Win32_IniFileSpecificationThis class contains the .INI information that the application needs to set in an .INI file. The .INI file information is written out when the corresponding component has been selected to be installed, either locally or run from source.
Win32_InstalledSoftwareElement The InstalledSoftwareElement association allows one to to identify the Computer System a particular Software element is installed on.
Win32_IP4PersistedRouteTableThe IP4PersistedRouteTable class contains IP routes that are persisted. By default, the routes you add to the routing table aren't permanent. You lose these routes when you reboot your computer. However, if you use the command route -p add, Windows NT makes the permanent--so you won't lose the route when you reboot your computer. Persistent entries are automatically reinserted in your route table each time your computer's route table is rebuilt. Windows NT stores persistent routes in the Registry. This class deals specifically with IP4 and does not address IPX or IP6.
Win32_IP4RouteTableThe IP4RouteTable class information governs where network data packets are routed to (e.g. usually internet packets are sent to a gateway, and local packets may be routed directly by the client's machine). Administrators can use this information to trace problems associated with misrouted packets, and also direct a computer to a new gateway as necessary. This class deals specifically with IP4 and does not address IPX or IP6. It is only intended to model the information revealed when typing the 'Route Print' command from the command prompt. Please Note: though updating instances of this class is supported, supplying property values which are invalid or unrecognized by the network protocol stack will not update successfully and the original values will persist. An error is not guaranteed to be generated when this happens, but if one does, nothing is updated.
Win32_IP4RouteTableEventThe Win32_IP4RouteTableEvent class represents IP route change events resulting from the addition, removal or modification of IP routes on the computer system.
Win32_IRQResourceThe Win32_IRQResource class represents an interrupt request line (IRQ) number on a Win32 computer system. An interrupt request is a signal sent to the CPU by a device or program for time critical events. IRQ can be hardware or software based.
Win32_JobObjectStatusThe Win32_JobObjectStatus class reports error information obtained while attempting any failed operation in the Job Object provider.
Win32_KeyboardThe Win32_Keyboard class represents a keyboard installed on a Win32 system. Example: A Microsoft Natural(R) keyboard
Win32_LaunchConditionThe LaunchCondition class is used by the LaunchConditions action. It contains a list of conditions, all of which must be satisfied for the action to succeed.
Win32_LoadOrderGroupThe Win32_LoadOrderGroup class represents a group of system services that define execution dependencies. The services must be initiated in the order specified by the Load Order Group, as the services are dependent on each other. These dependent services require the presence of the antecedent services in order to function correctly.
Win32_LoadOrderGroupServiceDependenciesThe Win32_LoadOrderGroupServiceDependencies class represents an association between a base service and a load order group that the service depends on to start running.
Win32_LoadOrderGroupServiceMembersThe Win32_LoadOrderGroupServiceMembers class represents an association between a load order group and a base service. Note: Win32_SystemDriver objects are members of that load order group. Not all services are members of groups, and not all groups have services within them.
Win32_LocalTimeDescribes an instance in time as returned by Win32ClockProvider. When a query is submitted to the Win32LocalClockProvider, the results are returned as Win32_LocalTime objects with times matching the query. These are returned as part of __InstanceModificationEvents
Win32_LoggedOnUserThe Win32_LoggedOnUser association represents the relationship between a session and the user account using that session. Although the association will usually be one to one - users are possible that involve more than one session. At the termination of the session the association instance is deleted.
Win32_LogicalDiskThe Win32_LogicalDisk class represents a data source that resolves to an actual local storage device on a Win32 system. The class returns both local as well as mapped logical disks. However, the recommended approach is to use this class for obtaining information on local disks and to use the Win32_MappedLogicalDisk class for information on mapped logical disk.
Win32_LogicalDiskRootDirectoryThe Win32_LogicalDiskRootDirectory class represents an association between a logical disk and its directory structure.
Win32_LogicalDiskToPartitionThe Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition class represents an association between a logical disk drive and the disk partition it resides on.
Win32_LogicalFileAccessAssociation between the security settings of a file/directory and one member of its DACL
Win32_LogicalFileAuditingAssociation between the security settings of a file/directory one member of its SACL.
Win32_LogicalFileGroupAssociation between the security settings of a file/directory and its group
Win32_LogicalFileOwnerAssociation between the security settings of a file/directory and its owner
Win32_LogicalFileSecuritySettingsecurity settings for a logical file
Win32_LogicalMemoryConfigurationThe Win32_LogicalMemoryConfiguration class represents the layout and availability of memory on a Win32 system. This class is being deprecated in favor of the Win32_OperatingSystem class.
Win32_LogicalProgramGroupThe Win32_LogicalProgramGroup class represents a program group in a Win32 system. Example: Accessories or Startup.
Win32_LogicalProgramGroupDirectoryThe Win32_LogicalProgramGroupDirectory class represents an association between logical program groups (groupings in the start menu) and the file directories in which they are stored.
Win32_LogicalProgramGroupItemThe Win32_LogicalProgramGroupItem class represents an element contained by a Win32_ProgramGroup, that is not itself another Win32_ProgramGroup.
Win32_LogicalProgramGroupItemDataFileThe Win32_LogicalProgramGroupItemDataFile class represents an association between the program group items of the start menu and the files in which they are stored.
Win32_LogicalShareAccessAssociation between the security settings of a share and one member of its DACL
Win32_LogicalShareAuditingAssociation between the security settings of a share and one member of its SACL.
Win32_LogicalShareSecuritySettingsecurity settings for a logical file
Win32_LogonSessionThe Win32_LogonSession class describes the logon session or sessions associated with a user who has logged on to Windows NT or Windows 2000.
Win32_LogonSessionMappedDiskThe Win32_LogonSessionMappedDisk class represents an association between a logon session and the mapped logical disks defined within the session.
Win32_LUIDThe Win32_LUID abstract class represents a locally unique identifier (LUID), an identifier unique only on the local computer. Instances of the Win32_LUID class identify a process or thread so that they can be associated with security token privileges represented by instances of the Win32_LUIDandAttributes class. For more information about the role of LUIDs in security, see LUID.
Win32_LUIDandAttributesThe Win32_LUIDandAttributes abstract class represents a locally unique identifier (LUID) of a privilege and a set of bit flags that indicate the attributes of the privilege, such as whether the privilege is enabled. Each LUID and attributes structure defines the availability of a security privilege for the process. For more information, see LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES.
Win32_ManagedSystemElementResourceThis association relates an MSI feature with an action used to register and/or publish the feature
Win32_MappedLogicalDiskThe Win32_MappedLogicalDisk class represents a network storage devices that are mapped as logical disks on the computer system. The instances returned for this class will be as follows. If user A is enumerating the instances, then the provider will look for a logon session of user A on that machine. If there is one (and only one) such logon session, then the provider will return the mapped drives of that session. If there is more than one session that user A has on the machine, then no mapped drive instances will be returned (since the provider has no reasonable way of deciding which session to use). If there are no sessions of user A running, and there is a locally logged on user B, then the provider will impersonate A and return the mapped drives of user B. This case supports the scenario of helpdesk wanting to see the instances of a locally logged on user. Again, if there is more than one session of user B running on the machine, then the provider has no way of deciding which to use. In this case no mapped drive instances will be returned.
Win32_MemoryArrayThe Win32_MemoryArray class represents the properties of the computer system memory array and mapped addresses.
Win32_MemoryArrayLocationThe Win32_MemoryArrayLocation class represents an association between a logical memory array and the physical memory array upon which it exists.
Win32_MemoryDeviceThe Win32_MemoryDevice class represents the properties of a computer system's memory device along with it's associated mapped addresses.
Win32_MemoryDeviceArrayThe Win32_MemoryDeviceArray class represents an association between a memory device and the memory array in which it resides.
Win32_MemoryDeviceLocationThe Win32_MemoryDeviceLocation class represents an association between a memory device and the physical memory on which it exists.
Win32_MethodParameterClassThe Win32_MethodParameter class is a base class forimplementation of method parameters derived from this class.
Win32_MIMEInfoActionThe RegisterMIMEInfo action registers the MIME related registry information with the system. In the Advertise mode the action registers all MIME info for servers for which the corresponding feature is enabled. Else the action registers MIME info for servers for which the corresponding feature is currently selected to be installed.
Win32_ModuleLoadTraceThe ModuleLoadTrace event class indicates a process has loaded a new module.
Win32_ModuleTraceThe ModuleTrace event class is the base event for module events.
Win32_MotherboardDeviceThe Win32_MotherboardDevice class represents a device that contains the central components of the Win32 computer system. Example: A single piece of hardware containing a processor, bus, memory, and basic system interfaces
Win32_MountPointThe mount point associates a volume to the directory at which it is mounted.
Win32_MoveFileActionThe MoveFiles action allows the author to locate files that already exist on the user's machine, and move or copy those files to a new location.
Win32_MSIResourceThis abstract class represents any resources that are used by the MSI installer durring the course of an installation, patch or upgrade
Win32_NamedJobObjectThe Win32_NamedJobObject class represents a kernel object that is used to group processes for the sake of controlling the life and resources of the processes within the job object. Only the job objects that have been named are instrumented.
Win32_NamedJobObjectActgInfoThis class represents the IO accounting information for a job object.
Win32_NamedJobObjectLimitThe Win32_NamedJobObjectLimit association class relates a job object and the job object limit settings for that job.
Win32_NamedJobObjectLimitSettingThe Win32_NamedJobObjectLimitSetting class represents the limit settings for a job object. The limit settings specify the resources available to the job in accord with how the limit setting flags are set.
Win32_NamedJobObjectProcessThe Win32_NamedJobObjectProcess association class relates a job object and a process contained in the job object. A job can contain multiple processes.
Win32_NamedJobObjectSecLimitThe Win32_NamedJobObjectSecLimit association class relates a job object and the job object security limit settings.
Win32_NamedJobObjectSecLimitSettingThe Win32_NamedJobObjectSecLimitSetting class represents the security limit settings for a job object. For more information about job object security limit settings, see the Job Object Security and Access Rights topic in the Platform SDK Base Services documentation.
Win32_NamedJobObjectStatisticsThe Win32_NamedJobObjectStatistics association class relates a job object instance and the I/O accounting information instance containing accounting information for the job.
Win32_NetworkAdapterThe Win32_NetworkAdapter class represents a network adapter on a Win32 system.
Win32_NetworkAdapterConfigurationThe Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration class represents the attributes and behaviors of a network adapter. This class has been extended to include extra properties and methods that support the management of the TCP/IP and Internetworking Packet Exchange (IPX) protocols (and are independent of the network adapter).
Win32_NetworkAdapterSettingThe Win32_NetworkAdapterSetting class represents an association between a network adapter and its configuration settings.
Win32_NetworkClientThe Win32_NetworkClient class represents a network client on a Win32 system. Any computer system on the network with a client relationship to the system is a descendent (or member) of this class. Example: A computer running Windows 2000 workstation or Windows 98 that is part of a Windows 2000 domain.
Win32_NetworkConnectionThe Win32_NetworkConnection class represents an active network connection in a Win32 environment.
Win32_NetworkLoginProfileThe Win32_NetworkLoginProfile class represents the network login information of a particular user on a Win32 system. This includes, but is not limited to, password status, access privileges, disk quotas, and login directory paths.
Win32_NetworkProtocolThe Win32_NetworkProtocol class represents a protocol and its network characteristics on a Win32 computer system.
Win32_NTDomainThe Win32_NTDomain class represents a NT Domain. A domain is a single security boundary of a Windows NT computer network. Active Directory is made up of one or more domains. On a standalone workstation, the domain is the computer itself. A domain can span more than one physical location. Every domain has its own security policies and security relationships with other domains. When multiple domains are connected by trust relationships and share a common schema, configuration, and global catalog, you have a domain tree. Multiple domain trees can be connected together into a forest. All the domains in a forest also share a common schema, configuration, and global catalog.
Win32_NTEventlogFileCIM_DataFile is a type of logical file that is a named collection of data or executable code. The behavior of the provider backing this class will be changed in future releases. Currently the provider returns both files on fixed disks as well as files on mapped logical disks. In the future, only instances of files on local fixed disks will be returned.
Win32_NTLogEventThis class is used to translate instances from the NT Eventlog.
Win32_NTLogEventComputerThe Win32_NTLogEventComputer class represents an association between an NT log event and the computer from which the event was generated.
Win32_NTLogEventLogThe Win32_NTLogEventLog class represents an association between an NT log event and the log file that contains the event.
Win32_NTLogEventUserThe Win32_NTLogEventUser class represents an association between an NT log event and the active user at the time the event was logged.
Win32_ODBCAttributeThe Setting class represents configuration-related and operational parameters for one or more ManagedSystemElement(s). A ManagedSystemElement may have multiple Setting objects associated with it. The current operational values for an Element's parameters are reflected by properties in the Element itself or by properties in its associations. These properties do not have to be the same values present in the Setting object. For example, a modem may have a Setting baud rate of 56Kb/sec but be operating at 19.2Kb/sec.
Win32_ODBCDataSourceAttributeThis association relates an MSI check with any setting information it requires.
Win32_ODBCDataSourceSpecificationThis class specifies any Data Sources (DSNs) that need to be registered as part of an installation.
Win32_ODBCDriverAttributeThis association relates an MSI check with any setting information it requires.
Win32_ODBCDriverSoftwareElement Since software elements in a ready to run state cannot transition into another state, the value of the phase property is restricted to in-state for CIM_SoftwareElement objects in a ready to run state.
Win32_ODBCDriverSpecificationThis class represents any ODBC drivers that are to be installed as part of a particular product.
Win32_ODBCSourceAttributeThe Setting class represents configuration-related and operational parameters for one or more ManagedSystemElement(s). A ManagedSystemElement may have multiple Setting objects associated with it. The current operational values for an Element's parameters are reflected by properties in the Element itself or by properties in its associations. These properties do not have to be the same values present in the Setting object. For example, a modem may have a Setting baud rate of 56Kb/sec but be operating at 19.2Kb/sec.
Win32_ODBCTranslatorSpecificationInstances of this class represent any ODBC Translators that are included as part of a products installation.
Win32_OnBoardDeviceThe Win32_OnBoardDevice class represents common adapter devices built into the motherboard (system board).
Win32_OperatingSystemThe Win32_OperatingSystem class represents an operating system installed on a Win32 computer system. Any operating system that can be installed on a Win32 system is a descendent (or member) of this class. Example: Microsoft Windows 95.
Win32_OperatingSystemAutochkSettingThis class represents the association between an operating system and the autochk settings that apply to the disks on the machine.Note that the setting is associated to operating system rather than computer system since there can be one or more operating systems installed on the machine, each with its own autochk settings.
Win32_OperatingSystemQFEThe Win32_OperatingSystemQFE class represents an association between an operating system and product updates applied as represented in Win32_QuickFixEngineering.
Win32_OSRecoveryConfigurationThe Win32_OSRecoveryConfiguration class represents the types of information that will be gathered from memory when the operating system fails. This includes boot failures and system crashes.
Win32_PageFileThe Win32_PageFile class has been Deprecated in favor of the Win32_PageFileUsage and Win32_PageFileSetting. These classes respectively correspond to the runtime and persisted states of pagefiles. The Win32_PageFile represents the file used for handling virtual memory file swapping on a Win32 system. Example: C:\PAGEFILE.SYS Note: The SE_CREATE_PAGEFILE privilege is required for Windows XP
Win32_PageFileElementSettingThe Win32_PageFileElementSetting class represents an association between the initial settings of a page file and the state of those setting during normal use.
Win32_PageFileSettingThe Win32_PageFileSetting class represents the settings of a page file. Information contained within objects instantiated from this class specify the page file parameters used when the file is created at system startup. The properties in this class can be modified and deferred until startup. These settings are different from the run time state of a page file expressed through the associated class Win32_PageFileUsage. Note: The SE_CREATE_PAGEFILE privilege is required for Windows XP
Win32_PageFileUsageThe Win32_PageFileUsage class represents the file used for handling virtual memory file swapping on a Win32 system. Information contained within objects instantiated from this class specify the runtime state of the page file. Note: The SE_CREATE_PAGEFILE privilege is required for Windows XP
Win32_ParallelPortThe Win32_ParallelPort class represents the properties of a parallel port on a Win32 computer system.
Win32_PatchInstances of this class represent individual patches that are to be applied to a particular file and whose source reside at a specified location.
Win32_PatchFileThis association relates an MSI check with any setting information it requires.
Win32_PatchPackageThe PatchPackage class describes all patch packages that have been applied to this product. For each patch package, the unique identifier for the patch is provided along with information about the media image the on which the patch is located.
Win32_PCMCIAControllerThe Win32_PCMCIAController class manages the capabilities of a Personal Computer Memory Card Interface Adapter (PCMCIA of PC card) controller device.
Win32_PerfCIM_StatisticalInformation is a root class for any arbitrary collection of statistical data and/or metrics applicable to one or more managed system elements.
Win32_PerfFormattedDataCIM_StatisticalInformation is a root class for any arbitrary collection of statistical data and/or metrics applicable to one or more managed system elements.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_ASPNET_2050727_ASPNETAppsv2050727ASP.NET application performance counters
Win32_PerfFormattedData_ASPNET_2050727_ASPNETv2050727ASP.NET global performance counters
Win32_PerfFormattedData_ASPNET_ASPNETASP.NET global performance counters
Win32_PerfFormattedData_ASPNET_ASPNETApplicationsASP.NET application performance counters
Win32_PerfFormattedData_aspnet_state_ASPNETStateServiceASP.NET State Service
Win32_PerfFormattedData_DTSPipeline_SQLServerSSISPipelineThe SSIS Pipeline object includes those counters related to the execution fo the pipeline.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_IPSec_IPSecv4DriverDisplays IPSec driver counters.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_IPSec_IPSecv4IKEDisplays Internet Key Exchange (IKE) counters.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_MSDTC_DistributedTransactionCoordinatorMicrosoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator performance counters
Win32_PerfFormattedData_NETCLRData_NETCLRData.Net CLR Data
Win32_PerfFormattedData_NETCLRNetworking_NETCLRNetworkingHelp not available.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_NETDataProviderforSqlServer_NETDataProviderforSqlServerCounters for System.Data.SqlClient
Win32_PerfFormattedData_NETFramework_NETCLRExceptionsRuntime statistics on CLR exception handling.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_NETFramework_NETCLRInteropStats for CLR interop.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_NETFramework_NETCLRJitStats for CLR Jit.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_NETFramework_NETCLRLoadingStatistics for CLR Class Loader.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_NETFramework_NETCLRLocksAndThreadsStats for CLR Locks and Threads.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_NETFramework_NETCLRMemoryCounters for CLR Garbage Collected heap.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_NETFramework_NETCLRRemotingStats for CLR Remoting.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_NETFramework_NETCLRSecurityStats for CLR Security.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_NTFSDRV_SMTPNTFSStoreDriverThis object represents global counters for the Exchange NTFS Store driver
Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfDisk_LogicalDiskThe Logical Disk performance object consists of counters that monitor logical partitions of a hard or fixed disk drives. Performance Monitor identifies logical disks by their a drive letter, such as C.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfDisk_PhysicalDiskThe Physical Disk performance object consists of counters that monitor hard or fixed disk drive on a computer. Disks are used to store file, program, and paging data and are read to retrieve these items, and written to record changes to them. The values of physical disk counters are sums of the values of the logical disks (or partitions) into which they are divided.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfNet_BrowserThe Browser performance object consists of counters that measure the rates of announcements, enumerations, and other Browser transmissions.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfNet_RedirectorThe Redirector performance object consists of counter that monitor network connections originating at the local computer.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfNet_ServerThe Server performance object consists of counters that measure communication between the local computer and the network.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfNet_ServerWorkQueuesThe Server Work Queues performance object consists of counters that monitor the length of the queues and objects in the queues.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_CacheThe Cache performance object consists of counters that monitor the file system cache, an area of physical memory that stores recently used data as long as possible to permit access to the data without having to read from the disk. Because applications typically use the cache, the cache is monitored as an indicator of application I/O operations. When memory is plentiful, the cache can grow, but when memory is scarce, the cache can become too small to be effective.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_MemoryThe Memory performance object consists of counters that describe the behavior of physical and virtual memory on the computer. Physical memory is the amount of random access memory on the computer. Virtual memory consists of the space in physical memory and on disk. Many of the memory counters monitor paging, which is the movement of pages of code and data between disk and physical memory. Excessive paging, a symptom of a memory shortage, can cause delays which interfere with all system processes.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_ObjectsThe Object performance object consists of counters that monitor logical objects in the system, such as processes, threads, mutexes, and semaphores. This information can be used to detect the unnecessary consumption of computer resources. Each object requires memory to store basic information about the object.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_PagingFileThe Paging File performance object consists of counters that monitor the paging file(s) on the computer. The paging file is a reserved space on disk that backs up committed physical memory on the computer.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_ProcessorThe Processor performance object consists of counters that measure aspects of processor activity The processor is the part of the computer that performs arithmetic and logical computations, initiates operations on peripherals, and runs the threads of processes. A computer can have multiple processors. The processor object represents each processor as an instance of the object.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_SystemThe System performance object consists of counters that apply to more than one instance of a component processors on the computer.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_FullImage_CostlyThe Full Image performance object consists of counters that monitor the virtual address usage of images executed by processes on the computer. Full Image counters are the same counters as contained in Image object with the only difference being the instance name. In the Full Image object, the instance name includes the full file path name of the loaded modules, while in the Image object only the filename is displayed.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_Image_CostlyThe Image performance object consists of counters that monitor the virtual address usage of images executed by processes on the computer.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_JobObjectReports the accounting and processor usage data collected by each active named Job object.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_JobObjectDetails% Job object Details shows detailed performance information about the active processes that make up a Job object.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_ProcessThe Process performance object consists of counters that monitor running application program and system processes. All the threads in a process share the same address space and have access to the same data.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_ProcessAddressSpace_CostlyThe Process Address Space performance object consists of counters that monitor memory allocation and use for a selected process.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_ThreadThe Thread performance object consists of counters that measure aspects of thread behavior. A thread is the basic object that executes instructions on a processor. All running processes have at least one thread.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_ThreadDetails_CostlyThe Thread Details performance object consists of counters that measure aspects of thread behavior that are difficult or time-consuming or collect. These counters are distinguished from those in the Thread object by their high overhead.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_RemoteAccess_RASPortThe RAS Object Type handles individual ports of the RAS device on your system.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_RemoteAccess_RASTotalThe RAS Object Type handles all combined ports of the RAS device on your system.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_SMTPSVC_SMTPServerThe counters specific to the SMTP Server.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_Spooler_PrintQueueDisplays performance statistics about a Print Queue.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_TapiSrv_TelephonyThe Telephony System
Win32_PerfFormattedData_Tcpip_ICMPThe ICMP performance object consists of counters that measure the rates at which messages are sent and received by using ICMP protocols. It also includes counters that monitor ICMP protocol errors.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_Tcpip_ICMPv6The ICMP performance object consists of counters that measure the rates at which messages are sent and received by using ICMP protocols. It also includes counters that monitor ICMP protocol errors.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_Tcpip_IPv4The IP performance object consists of counters that measure the rates at which IP datagrams are sent and received by using IP protocols. It also includes counters that monitor IP protocol errors.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_Tcpip_IPv6The IP performance object consists of counters that measure the rates at which IP datagrams are sent and received by using IP protocols. It also includes counters that monitor IP protocol errors.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_Tcpip_NBTConnectionThe NBT Connection performance object consists of counters that measure the rates at which bytes are sent and received over the NBT connection between the local computer and a remote computer. The connection is identified by the name of the remote computer.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_Tcpip_NetworkInterfaceThe Network Interface performance object consists of counters that measure the rates at which bytes and packets are sent and received over a TCP/IP network connection. It includes counters that monitor connection errors.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_Tcpip_TCPv4The TCP performance object consists of counters that measure the rates at which TCP Segments are sent and received by using the TCP protocol. It includes counters that monitor the number of TCP connections in each TCP connection state.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_Tcpip_TCPv6The TCP performance object consists of counters that measure the rates at which TCP Segments are sent and received by using the TCP protocol. It includes counters that monitor the number of TCP connections in each TCP connection state.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_Tcpip_UDPv4The UDP performance object consists of counters that measure the rates at which UDP datagrams are sent and received by using the UDP protocol. It includes counters that monitor UDP protocol errors.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_Tcpip_UDPv6The UDP performance object consists of counters that measure the rates at which UDP datagrams are sent and received by using the UDP protocol. It includes counters that monitor UDP protocol errors.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_TermService_TerminalServicesTerminal Services summary information.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_TermService_TerminalServicesSessionTerminal Services per-session resource monitoring.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_W3SVC_WebServiceThe Web Service object includes counters specific to the World Wide Web Publishing Service.
Win32_PerfFormattedData_W3SVC_WebServiceCacheThe Web Service Cache Counters object includes cache counters specific to the World Wide Web Publishing Service.
Win32_PerfRawDataCIM_StatisticalInformation is a root class for any arbitrary collection of statistical data and/or metrics applicable to one or more managed system elements.
Win32_PerfRawData_ASPNET_2050727_ASPNETAppsv2050727ASP.NET application performance counters
Win32_PerfRawData_ASPNET_2050727_ASPNETv2050727ASP.NET global performance counters
Win32_PerfRawData_ASPNET_ASPNETASP.NET global performance counters
Win32_PerfRawData_ASPNET_ASPNETApplicationsASP.NET application performance counters
Win32_PerfRawData_aspnet_state_ASPNETStateServiceASP.NET State Service
Win32_PerfRawData_CcmFramework_CCMEndpointThe CCM Endpoint object consists of endpoints currently loaded by the SMS Agent Host service
Win32_PerfRawData_CcmFramework_CCMMessageQueueThe CCM Message Queue object consists of the message queues currently in use by the SMS Agent Host service
Win32_PerfRawData_DTSPipeline_SQLServerSSISPipelineThe SSIS Pipeline object includes those counters related to the execution fo the pipeline.
Win32_PerfRawData_IPSec_IPSecv4DriverDisplays IPSec driver counters.
Win32_PerfRawData_IPSec_IPSecv4IKEDisplays Internet Key Exchange (IKE) counters.
Win32_PerfRawData_MSDTC_DistributedTransactionCoordinatorMicrosoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator performance counters
Win32_PerfRawData_msftesql_MSFTESQLCatalogsStatistics per catalog
Win32_PerfRawData_msftesql_MSFTESQLServiceSQL Full Text Engine statistics across all catalogs
Win32_PerfRawData_msftesqlFD_MSFTESQLFDStatistics for the filter daemon
Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerAccessMethodsCollects statistics associated with the database server access methods
Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerBackupDeviceThis defines a backup device object for SQL Server
Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerBrokerActivationService Broker Activation
Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerBrokerDBMTransportService Broker/Database Mirroring Transport Statistics
Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerBrokerStatisticsService Broker Statistics
Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerBufferManagerStatistics related to SQL Servers buffer manager
Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerBufferNodeStatistics related to SQL Server's buffer pool by NUMA node
Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerBufferPartitionStatistics related to SQL Server's buffer partitions
Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerCatalogMetadataThis defines a catalog metadata manager object for SQL Server
Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerCLRCLR Execution in SQL Server
Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerCursorManagerbyTypeCounters for cursor properties grouped by type
Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerCursorManagerTotalCounters for cursor properties not grouped by type
Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerDatabaseMirroringThis defines a Database Mirroring object for SQL Server
Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerDatabasesThis defines a Database manager object for SQL Server
Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerExecStatisticsExecution statistics for external calls
Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerGeneralStatisticsServer General Statistics
Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerLatchesCollects statistics associated with internal server latches
Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerLocksDescribes statistics for individual lock server lock requests
Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerMemoryManagerThis defines memory usage.
Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerPlanCacheThis defines cache counters
Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerReplicationAgentsReplication Summary
Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerReplicationDistReplication Distribution Agent Statistics
Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerReplicationLogreaderReplication Logreader Agent Statistics
Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerReplicationMergeReplication Merge Agent Statistics
Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerReplicationSnapshotReplication Snapshot Agent Statistics
Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerSQLErrorsStatistics about errors in SQL Server
Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerSQLStatisticsCollects statistics associated with SQL requests
Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerTransactionsStatistics related to SQL Server transactions.
Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerUserSettableThis defines user definable counters
Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerWaitStatisticsWait Statistics
Win32_PerfRawData_NETCLRData_NETCLRData.Net CLR Data
Win32_PerfRawData_NETCLRNetworking_NETCLRNetworkingHelp not available.
Win32_PerfRawData_NETDataProviderforSqlServer_NETDataProviderforSqlServerCounters for System.Data.SqlClient
Win32_PerfRawData_NETFramework_NETCLRExceptionsRuntime statistics on CLR exception handling.
Win32_PerfRawData_NETFramework_NETCLRInteropStats for CLR interop.
Win32_PerfRawData_NETFramework_NETCLRJitStats for CLR Jit.
Win32_PerfRawData_NETFramework_NETCLRLoadingStatistics for CLR Class Loader.
Win32_PerfRawData_NETFramework_NETCLRLocksAndThreadsStats for CLR Locks and Threads.
Win32_PerfRawData_NETFramework_NETCLRMemoryCounters for CLR Garbage Collected heap.
Win32_PerfRawData_NETFramework_NETCLRRemotingStats for CLR Remoting.
Win32_PerfRawData_NETFramework_NETCLRSecurityStats for CLR Security.
Win32_PerfRawData_NTFSDRV_SMTPNTFSStoreDriverThis object represents global counters for the Exchange NTFS Store driver
Win32_PerfRawData_PerfDisk_LogicalDiskThe Logical Disk performance object consists of counters that monitor logical partitions of a hard or fixed disk drives. Performance Monitor identifies logical disks by their a drive letter, such as C.
Win32_PerfRawData_PerfDisk_PhysicalDiskThe Physical Disk performance object consists of counters that monitor hard or fixed disk drive on a computer. Disks are used to store file, program, and paging data and are read to retrieve these items, and written to record changes to them. The values of physical disk counters are sums of the values of the logical disks (or partitions) into which they are divided.
Win32_PerfRawData_PerfNet_BrowserThe Browser performance object consists of counters that measure the rates of announcements, enumerations, and other Browser transmissions.
Win32_PerfRawData_PerfNet_RedirectorThe Redirector performance object consists of counter that monitor network connections originating at the local computer.
Win32_PerfRawData_PerfNet_ServerThe Server performance object consists of counters that measure communication between the local computer and the network.
Win32_PerfRawData_PerfNet_ServerWorkQueuesThe Server Work Queues performance object consists of counters that monitor the length of the queues and objects in the queues.
Win32_PerfRawData_PerfOS_CacheThe Cache performance object consists of counters that monitor the file system cache, an area of physical memory that stores recently used data as long as possible to permit access to the data without having to read from the disk. Because applications typically use the cache, the cache is monitored as an indicator of application I/O operations. When memory is plentiful, the cache can grow, but when memory is scarce, the cache can become too small to be effective.
Win32_PerfRawData_PerfOS_MemoryThe Memory performance object consists of counters that describe the behavior of physical and virtual memory on the computer. Physical memory is the amount of random access memory on the computer. Virtual memory consists of the space in physical memory and on disk. Many of the memory counters monitor paging, which is the movement of pages of code and data between disk and physical memory. Excessive paging, a symptom of a memory shortage, can cause delays which interfere with all system processes.
Win32_PerfRawData_PerfOS_ObjectsThe Object performance object consists of counters that monitor logical objects in the system, such as processes, threads, mutexes, and semaphores. This information can be used to detect the unnecessary consumption of computer resources. Each object requires memory to store basic information about the object.
Win32_PerfRawData_PerfOS_PagingFileThe Paging File performance object consists of counters that monitor the paging file(s) on the computer. The paging file is a reserved space on disk that backs up committed physical memory on the computer.
Win32_PerfRawData_PerfOS_ProcessorThe Processor performance object consists of counters that measure aspects of processor activity The processor is the part of the computer that performs arithmetic and logical computations, initiates operations on peripherals, and runs the threads of processes. A computer can have multiple processors. The processor object represents each processor as an instance of the object.
Win32_PerfRawData_PerfOS_SystemThe System performance object consists of counters that apply to more than one instance of a component processors on the computer.
Win32_PerfRawData_PerfProc_FullImage_CostlyThe Full Image performance object consists of counters that monitor the virtual address usage of images executed by processes on the computer. Full Image counters are the same counters as contained in Image object with the only difference being the instance name. In the Full Image object, the instance name includes the full file path name of the loaded modules, while in the Image object only the filename is displayed.
Win32_PerfRawData_PerfProc_Image_CostlyThe Image performance object consists of counters that monitor the virtual address usage of images executed by processes on the computer.
Win32_PerfRawData_PerfProc_JobObjectReports the accounting and processor usage data collected by each active named Job object.
Win32_PerfRawData_PerfProc_JobObjectDetails% Job object Details shows detailed performance information about the active processes that make up a Job object.
Win32_PerfRawData_PerfProc_ProcessThe Process performance object consists of counters that monitor running application program and system processes. All the threads in a process share the same address space and have access to the same data.
Win32_PerfRawData_PerfProc_ProcessAddressSpace_CostlyThe Process Address Space performance object consists of counters that monitor memory allocation and use for a selected process.
Win32_PerfRawData_PerfProc_ThreadThe Thread performance object consists of counters that measure aspects of thread behavior. A thread is the basic object that executes instructions on a processor. All running processes have at least one thread.
Win32_PerfRawData_PerfProc_ThreadDetails_CostlyThe Thread Details performance object consists of counters that measure aspects of thread behavior that are difficult or time-consuming or collect. These counters are distinguished from those in the Thread object by their high overhead.
Win32_PerfRawData_RemoteAccess_RASPortThe RAS Object Type handles individual ports of the RAS device on your system.
Win32_PerfRawData_RemoteAccess_RASTotalThe RAS Object Type handles all combined ports of the RAS device on your system.
Win32_PerfRawData_SMS_DISCOVERY_DATA_MANAGER_SMSDiscoveryDataManagerThis object contains the counters that track the processing of SMS Discovery Data Records (DDRs) by Discovery Data Manager.
Win32_PerfRawData_SMS_EXECUTIVE_SMSExecutiveThreadStatesThis object contains the counters that track the states of the threads of the SMS Executive service (SMSEXEC.EXE).
Win32_PerfRawData_SMS_EXECUTIVE_SMSInMemoryQueuesThis object contains the counters that track movement of SMS objects through in-memory object queues in the SMS Executive service (SMSEXEC.EXE).
Win32_PerfRawData_SMS_EXECUTIVE_SMSServerAvailabilityThis object contains the counters that track availability of an SMS server role.
Win32_PerfRawData_SMS_INBOX_MONITOR_SMSInboxThis object contains counters that track the activity of an SMS Inbox. An SMS Inbox contains files that are used in site to site and site to site system communication.
Win32_PerfRawData_SMS_INVENTORY_DATA_LOADER_SMSInventoryDataLoaderThis object contains the counters that track the processing of SMS hardware inventory records (in MIF files) by Inventory Data Loader.
Win32_PerfRawData_SMS_LAN_SENDER_SMSStandardSenderThis object contains the counters that track the activity of the SMS Standard Sender. The Standard Sender transmits data to other SMS sites via the local area network.
Win32_PerfRawData_SMS_MP_FILE_DISPATCH_MANAGER_SMSOutboxThis object contains counters that track the activity of an SMS Outbox. An SMS Outbox contains files that are used in site system to site communication.
Win32_PerfRawData_SMS_SCHEDULER_SMSSchedulerThis object contains the counters that track the activity of the SMS Scheduler. The Scheduler creates send requests for various types of SMS Senders to transmits data to other SMS sites.
Win32_PerfRawData_SMS_SOFTWARE_INVENTORY_PROCESSOR_SMSSoftwareInventoryProcessorThis object contains the counters that track the processing of SMS software inventory records (SINVs) by Software Inventory Processor.
Win32_PerfRawData_SMS_SOFTWARE_METERING_PROCESSOR_SMSSoftwareMeteringProcessorThis object contains the counters that track the processing of SMS software metering usage file (SWMs) by Software Metering Processor.
Win32_PerfRawData_SMS_STATE_SYSTEM_SMSStateSystemThis object contains the counters that track the processing of state files and records in the SMS State System.
Win32_PerfRawData_SMS_STATUS_MANAGER_SMSStatusMessagesThis object contains the counters that track the processing of SMS status messages by Status Manager.
Win32_PerfRawData_SMS_WAKEONLAN_COMMUNICATION_MANAGER_SMSWakeOnLANCommunicationManagerThis object contains the counters that track the Wake On LAN requests sent by the SMS Wake On LAN Communication Manager.
Win32_PerfRawData_SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER_SMSWSUSSyncManagerThis object contains the counters that track the activity of the SMS WSUS Sync Manager.
Win32_PerfRawData_SmsMP_SMSMPDALSMS Management Point Database Access Layer
Win32_PerfRawData_SmsMP_SMSMPGetAuthSMS Management Point Authentication Manager
Win32_PerfRawData_SmsMP_SMSMPGetPolicySMS Management Point Policy Download ISAPI
Win32_PerfRawData_SmsMP_SMSMPGetSDMPackageSMS Management Point SDM Package Download ISAPI
Win32_PerfRawData_SmsMP_SMSMPLocationMgrSMS Management Point Location Manager
Win32_PerfRawData_SmsMP_SMSMPPolicyManagerSMS Management Point Policy Manager
Win32_PerfRawData_SmsMP_SMSMPRegistrationSMS Management Point Registration
Win32_PerfRawData_SmsMP_SMSMPStateMessageSMS Management Point State Message Relay
Win32_PerfRawData_SmsMPInventory_SMSMPDdrMgrSMS Management Point Discovery Manager
Win32_PerfRawData_SmsMPInventory_SMSMPHinvMgrSMS Management Point Hardware Inventory Manager
Win32_PerfRawData_SmsMPInventory_SMSMPHinvRetryMgrSMS Management Point Hardware Inventory Retry Manager
Win32_PerfRawData_SmsMPInventory_SMSMPRelayMgrSMS Management Point Relay Manager (processes IDMIF files and SWM reports)
Win32_PerfRawData_SmsMPInventory_SMSMPSinvCollFileMgrSMS Management Point Software Inventory Collected Files Manager
Win32_PerfRawData_SmsMPInventory_SMSMPSinvMgrSMS Management Point Software Inventory Manager
Win32_PerfRawData_SmsMPInventory_SMSMPStatusMgrSMS Management Point Status Message Manager
Win32_PerfRawData_SMSPXE_SMSPXESMS PXE Service Point
Win32_PerfRawData_SMSSMP_SMSSMPStateStoreSMS State Migration Point
Win32_PerfRawData_SMTPSVC_SMTPServerThe counters specific to the SMTP Server.
Win32_PerfRawData_Spooler_PrintQueueDisplays performance statistics about a Print Queue.
Win32_PerfRawData_SQLSERVERAGENT_SQLAgentAlertsSQLAgent statistics about alerts
Win32_PerfRawData_SQLSERVERAGENT_SQLAgentJobsSQLAgent General Statistics about jobs
Win32_PerfRawData_SQLSERVERAGENT_SQLAgentJobStepsStatistics for job steps
Win32_PerfRawData_TapiSrv_TelephonyThe Telephony System
Win32_PerfRawData_Tcpip_ICMPThe ICMP performance object consists of counters that measure the rates at which messages are sent and received by using ICMP protocols. It also includes counters that monitor ICMP protocol errors.
Win32_PerfRawData_Tcpip_ICMPv6The ICMP performance object consists of counters that measure the rates at which messages are sent and received by using ICMP protocols. It also includes counters that monitor ICMP protocol errors.
Win32_PerfRawData_Tcpip_IPv4The IP performance object consists of counters that measure the rates at which IP datagrams are sent and received by using IP protocols. It also includes counters that monitor IP protocol errors.
Win32_PerfRawData_Tcpip_IPv6The IP performance object consists of counters that measure the rates at which IP datagrams are sent and received by using IP protocols. It also includes counters that monitor IP protocol errors.
Win32_PerfRawData_Tcpip_NBTConnectionThe NBT Connection performance object consists of counters that measure the rates at which bytes are sent and received over the NBT connection between the local computer and a remote computer. The connection is identified by the name of the remote computer.
Win32_PerfRawData_Tcpip_NetworkInterfaceThe Network Interface performance object consists of counters that measure the rates at which bytes and packets are sent and received over a TCP/IP network connection. It includes counters that monitor connection errors.
Win32_PerfRawData_Tcpip_TCPv4The TCP performance object consists of counters that measure the rates at which TCP Segments are sent and received by using the TCP protocol. It includes counters that monitor the number of TCP connections in each TCP connection state.
Win32_PerfRawData_Tcpip_TCPv6The TCP performance object consists of counters that measure the rates at which TCP Segments are sent and received by using the TCP protocol. It includes counters that monitor the number of TCP connections in each TCP connection state.
Win32_PerfRawData_Tcpip_UDPv4The UDP performance object consists of counters that measure the rates at which UDP datagrams are sent and received by using the UDP protocol. It includes counters that monitor UDP protocol errors.
Win32_PerfRawData_Tcpip_UDPv6The UDP performance object consists of counters that measure the rates at which UDP datagrams are sent and received by using the UDP protocol. It includes counters that monitor UDP protocol errors.
Win32_PerfRawData_TermService_TerminalServicesTerminal Services summary information.
Win32_PerfRawData_TermService_TerminalServicesSessionTerminal Services per-session resource monitoring.
Win32_PerfRawData_W3SVC_WebServiceThe Web Service object includes counters specific to the World Wide Web Publishing Service.
Win32_PerfRawData_W3SVC_WebServiceCacheThe Web Service Cache Counters object includes cache counters specific to the World Wide Web Publishing Service.
Win32_PerfRawData_WSUSAPIRemotingWebService_WSUSAPIRemotingWebServiceHelp not available.
Win32_PerfRawData_WSUSClientWebService_WSUSClientWebServiceHelp not available.
Win32_PerfRawData_WSUSClientWebServiceMethods_WSUSClientWebServiceMethodsHelp not available.
Win32_PerfRawData_WSUSReportingWebService_WSUSReportingWebServiceHelp not available.
Win32_PerfRawData_WSUSServerWebMethods_WSUSServerWebMethodsHelp not available.
Win32_PerfRawData_WSUSServerWebService_WSUSServerWebServiceHelp not available.
Win32_PerfRawData_WSUSUpdateRegulationWebMethods_WSUSUpdateRegulationWebMethodsHelp not available.
Win32_PhysicalMediaThe Win32_PhysicaMedia class represents any type of documentation or storage medium, such as tapes, CD ROMs, etc.
Win32_PhysicalMemoryThe Win32_PhysicalMemory class represents a physical memory device located on a computer system as available to the operating system.
Win32_PhysicalMemoryArrayThe Win32_PhysicalMemoryArray class represents details about the computer system's physical memory. This includes the number of memory devices, memory capacity available, and memory type (for example, system memory or video memory).
Win32_PhysicalMemoryLocationThe Win32_PhysicalMemoryLocation class represents an association between an array of physical memory and its physical memory.
Win32_PingStatusThe Win32_PingStatus class contains the values returned by the standard ping command. More information on ping can be found in RFC 791.
Win32_PNPAllocatedResourceThe Win32_AllocatedResource class represents an association between logical devices and system resources. This class is used to discover which resources, such as IRQs, or DMA channels, are in-use by a specific device.
Win32_PnPDeviceThe Win32_PnPDevice represents an association between a device (known to Config Manager as a PnPEntity), and the function it performs. Its function is represented by a subclass of the logical device that describes its use. For example, a Win32_Keyboard or Win32_DiskDrive. Both referenced objects represent the same underlying system device - changes to resource allocation on the PnPEntity side will effect the associated Device.
Win32_PnPEntityThe Win32_PnPEntity class represents the properties of a Plug and Play device. Plug and Play entities are shown as entries in the Device Manager located in the Control Panel.
Win32_PnPSignedDriverA CIM_Service is a Logical Element that contains the information necessary to represent and manage the functionality provided by a Device and/or SoftwareFeature. A Service is a general-purpose object to configure and manage the implementation of functionality. It is not the functionality itself.
Win32_PnPSignedDriverCIMDataFileA generic association to establish dependency relationships between objects.
Win32_PointingDeviceThe Win32_PointingDevice class represents an input device used to point to and select regions on the display of a Win32 computer system. Any device used to manipulate a pointer, or point to the display on a Win32 computer system is a member of this class. Example: A mouse, touch pad, or stylus/tablet.
Win32_PortableBatteryThe Win32_PortableBattery class contains the the population of the DMTF|Portable Battery group, as defined in the DMTF Mobile Supplement to Standard Groups, v1.0 (section 3.3.23 of the SMBIOS spec) and describes the attributes of the portable battery(s) for the system. The class contains the static attributes for the group and describes a single battery pack’s attributes.
Win32_PortConnectorThe Win32_PortConnector class represents physical connection ports, such as DB-25 pin male, Centronics, and PS/2.
Win32_PortResourceThe Win32_PortResource class represents an I/O port on a Win32 computer system.
Win32_POTSModemThe Win32_POTSModem class represents the services and characteristics of a Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) modem on a Win32 system.
Win32_POTSModemToSerialPortThe Win32_POTSModemToSerialPort class represents an association between a modem and the serial port the modem uses.
Win32_PowerManagementEventThe Win32_PowerManagementEvent class represents power management events resulting from power state changes. These state changes are associated with either the Advanced Power Management(APM) or the Advanced Configuration and Power Interface(ACPI) system management protocols.
Win32_PrinterThe Win32_Printer class represents a device connected to a Win32 computer system that is capable of reproducing a visual image on a medium.
Win32_PrinterConfigurationThe Win32_PrinterConfiguration class defines the configuration for a printer device. This includes capabilities such as resolution, color, fonts, and orientation.
Win32_PrinterControllerThe Win32_PrinterController class represents an association between a printer and the local device to which the printer is connected. Note that this class only returns instances for local printers.
Win32_PrinterDriverThe Win32_PrinterDriver class represents the drivers for a Win32_Printer.
Win32_PrinterDriverDllThe Win32_PrinterDriverDll class represents the association between a local printer and its driver file.
Win32_PrinterSettingThe Win32_PrinterSetting class represents an association between a printer and its configuration settings.
Win32_PrinterShareThe Win32_PrinterShare class represents an association between a local printer and the share that represents it as it is viewed over a network.
Win32_PrintJobThe Win32_PrintJob class represents a print job generated by a Win32 application. Any unit of work generated by the Print command of an application running on a Win32 system is a descendent (or member) of this class. Example: A print document created by an Office 97 application
Win32_PrivilegesStatusThe Win32_PrivilegesStatus class reports information about privileges required to complete an operation. It may be returned when an operation failed, or when a partially populated instance has been returned.
Win32_ProcessThe Win32_Process class represents a sequence of events on a Win32 system. Any sequence consisting of the interaction of one or more processors or interpreters, some executable code, and a set of inputs, is a descendent (or member) of this class. Example: A client application running on a Win32 system.
Win32_ProcessorThe Win32_Processor class represents a device that is capable of interpreting a sequence of machine instructions on a Win32 computer system. On a multiprocessor machine, there will exist one instance of this class for each processor.
Win32_ProcessStartTraceThe ProcessStartTrace event class indicates a new process has started.
Win32_ProcessStartupThe Win32_ProcessStartup class represents the startup configuration of a Win32 process. The class is defined as a Method Type definition, which means that it is used only for passing information to a method (a procedure that provides access to an object's data).
Win32_ProcessStopTraceThe ProcessStopTrace event class indicates a process has terminated.
Win32_ProcessTraceThis event is the base event for process events.
Win32_ProductInstances of this class represent products as they are installed by MSI. A product generally correlates to a single installation package.
Win32_ProductSoftwareFeatures The CIM_ProductSoftwareFeatures association identifies the software features for a particular product.
Win32_ProgIDSpecificationInstances of this class represent and ProgIDs that need to be registered durring a given installation.
Win32_ProgramGroupThe Win32_ProgramGroup class represents a program group in a Win32 computer system. Examples are Accessories and Startup. This class has been deprecated in favor of the Win32_LogicalProgramGroup class.
Win32_ProgramGroupContentsThe Win32_ProgramGroupContents class represents an association between a program group order and an individual program group or item contained in it.
Win32_ProgramGroupOrItemThe Win32_ProgramGroupOrItem class represents a logical grouping of programs on the user's Start|Programs menu. It contains program groups and program group items.
Win32_PropertyThis table contains the property names and values for all defined properties in the installation. Properties with Null values are not present in the table.
Win32_ProtocolBindingThe Win32_ProtocolBinding class represents an association among a system level driver, network protocol, and network adapter.
Win32_ProxyThe Win32_Proxy setting class provides methods to query and set the proxy settings.
Win32_PublishComponentActionThe PublishComponents action manages the advertisement of the components that may be faulted in by other products with the system. In the Advertise mode the action publishes the all components for which the corresponding feature is enabled. Else the action publishes components for which the corresponding feature is currently selected to be installed.
Win32_QuickFixEngineeringThe Win32_QuickFixEngineering class represents system-wide Quick Fix Engineering (QFE) or updates that have been applied to the current operating system.
Win32_QuotaSettingThe Win32_QuotaSetting class contains setting information for disk quotas on a volume.
Win32_RefrigerationThe Win32_Refrigeration class represents the properties of a refrigeration device.
Win32_RegistryThe Win32_Registry class represents the system registry on a Win32 computer system.
Win32_RegistryActionThe WriteRegistryValues action sets up registry information that the application desires in the system Registry. The registry information is gated by the Component class. A registry value is written to the system registry if the corresponding component has been set to be installed either locally or run from source.
Win32_RemoveFileActionThe RemoveFiles action uninstalls files previously installed by the InstallFiles action. Each of these files is 'gated' by a link to an entry in the Component class; only those files whose components are resolved to the iisAbsent Action state, or the iisSource Action state IF the component is currently installed locally, will be removed. The RemoveFiles action can also remove specific author-specified files that weren't installed by the InstallFiles action. Each of these files is 'gated' by a link to an entry in the Component class; those files whose components are resolved to any 'active' Action state (i.e. not in the 'off', or NULL, state) will be removed (if the file exists in the specified directory, of course). This implies that removal of files will be attempted when the gating component is first installed, during a reinstall, and again when the gating component is removed.
Win32_RemoveIniActionThe RemoveIniValues action deletes .INI file information that the application desires to delete from .INI files. The deletion of the information is gated by the Component class. A .INI value is deleted if the corresponding component has been set to be installed either locally or run from source.
Win32_ReserveCostThis optional class allows the author to 'reserve' a specified amount of disk space in any directory, depending on the installation state of a component. Reserving cost in this way could be useful for authors who want to ensure that a minimum amount of disk space will be available after the installation is completed. For example, this disk space might be reserved for user documents, or for application files (such as index files) that are created only after the application is launched following installation. The ReserveCost class also allows custom actions to specify an approximate cost for any files, registry entries, or other items, that the custom action might install.
Win32_ScheduledJobThe Win32_ScheduledJob class represents a job scheduled using the network management schedule service functions (also known as "Job" and "AT command" functions). Note that this is different from the tasks scheduled using the Windows 2000 Task Scheduler. This class is only instrumented on Windows NT 4.0 and later. Each job scheduled against the schedule service is stored persistently (the scheduler will know to start the job even after a reboot) and is executed at the specified time and day of the week and/or month. If the computer is not active or if the scheduled service is not running at the specified job time the schedule service will run the specified job on the next day at the specified time. Scheduled jobs are scheduled with respect to Universal Coordinated Time (UTC), i.e. with bias offset from GMT. This means that a job can be specified using any time zone specification. The Win32_ScheduledJob class will return the local time with UTC offset when enumerating an object and convert to local time when creating new jobs. For example a job specified to run on a computer in Boston at 10:30 pm Monday PST time will be scheduled to run locally at 1:30am Tuesday EST. It should be noted that a client must take into account whether daylight savings time is in operation on the local computer and if so subtract a bias of 60 minutes from the UTC offset.
Win32_SCSIControllerThe Win32_SCSIController class represents a SCSI controller on a Win32 system. Example: Adaptec AHA-2940UW.
Win32_SCSIControllerDeviceThe Win32_SCSIControllerDevice class represents an association between a Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) controller and the logical device (disk drive) connected to it. Instances for this class are only provided on Microsoft Windows NT/Windows 2000 or later and Windows 95 or later.
Win32_SecurityDescriptorStructural representation of a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR
Win32_SecuritySettingRepresents security settings for a managed element
Win32_SecuritySettingAccessSpecifies the rights granted and denied to a trustee for a given object. Modeled after EXPLICIT_ACCESS
Win32_SecuritySettingAuditingSpecifies the auditing for a given trustee on a given object. Modeled after EXPLICIT_ACCESS
Win32_SecuritySettingGroupAssociation between the security of an object and its group
Win32_SecuritySettingOfLogicalFileSecurity settings of a file or directory object
Win32_SecuritySettingOfLogicalShareSecurity settings of a share object
Win32_SecuritySettingOfObjectAssociates an object to its security settings
Win32_SecuritySettingOwnerAssociation between the security settings of an object and its owner
Win32_SelfRegModuleActionThe SelfRegModules action processes all the modules in the SelfReg to register the modules, if installed.
Win32_SerialPortThe Win32_SerialPort class represents a serial port on a Win32 system.
Win32_SerialPortConfigurationThe Win32_SerialPortConfiguration class represents the default settings for data transmission on a Win32 serial port. this may include the default configuration for establishing a connection and error checking.
Win32_SerialPortSettingThe Win32_SerialPortSetting class represents an association between a serial port and its configuration settings.
Win32_ServerConnectionThe Win32_ServerConnection class represents the connections made from a remote computer, to a shared resource on the local computer.
Win32_ServerSessionThe Win32_ServerSession class represents the sessions that have been established with the local computer, by users on some remote computer.
Win32_ServiceThe Win32_Service class represents a service on a Win32 computer system. A service application conforms to the interface rules of the Service Control Manager (SCM) and can be started by a user automatically at system boot through the Services control panel utility, or by an application that uses the service functions included in the Win32 API. Services can execute even when no user is logged on to the system.
Win32_ServiceControlInstances of this class represent instrctions for controlling both installed and uninstalled services.
Win32_ServiceSpecificationInstances of this class represent the services that are to be installed along with an associated package.
Win32_SessionThe Win32_Session class defines state information specific to the interaction between a user and a resource, typically a computer system or a terminal session.
Win32_SessionConnectionThe Win32_SessionConnection class represents an association between a session established with the local server, by a user on a remote machine, and the connections that depend on the session.
Win32_SessionProcessThe Win32_SessionProcess represents the association between a logon-session and the processes belonging to that session.
Win32_SessionResourceThe Win32_SessionResource association represents the relationship between a session and the resources that the session provides access to.
Win32_SettingCheckThis association relates an MSI check with any setting information it requires.
Win32_ShadowByThe association between a shadow copy and the provider that created the shadow copy
Win32_ShadowContextThe Win32_ShadowContext class is used to specify how a shadow copy is to be created, queried, or deleted and the degree of writer involvment.
Win32_ShadowCopyThe Win32_ShadowCopy class is a storage extent that represents a duplicate copy of the original volume at some previous time.
Win32_ShadowDiffVolumeSupportThe association between a shadow copy provider and a volume supported for differential storage area.
Win32_ShadowForThe association between a shadow copy and the volume for which the shadow copy was created.
Win32_ShadowOnThe association between a shadow copy and the volume on which differential data is written.
Win32_ShadowProviderThe Win32_ShadowProvider class represents a component, typically a combination of user-mode and kernel/firmware implementation, that will perform the work involved in creating and representing volume shadow copies
Win32_ShadowStorageThe association between the volume for which a shadow copy is made and the volume to which the differential data is written.
Win32_ShadowVolumeSupportThe association between a shadow copy provider and a supported volume.
Win32_ShareThe Win32_Share class represents a shared resource on a Win32 system. This may be a disk drive, printer, interprocess communication, or other shareable device. Example: C:\PUBLIC.
Win32_ShareToDirectoryThe Win32_ShareToDirectory class represents an association between a shared resource on the computer system and the directory to which it is mapped.
Win32_ShortcutActionThe CreateShortcuts action manages the creation of shortcuts. In the Advertise mode, the action creates shortcuts to the key files of components of features that are enabled. Advertised shortcuts are those for which the Target property is the feature of the component and the directory of the shortcut is one of the Shell folders or below one. Advertised shortcuts are created with a Microsoft installer technology Descriptor as the target. Non-advertised shortcuts are those for which the Target column in the Shortcut class is a property or the directory of the shortcut is not one of the Shell folders or below one. Advertised shortcuts are created with a Microsoft installer technology Descriptor as the target. In the non-advertise mode (normal install) the action creates shortcuts to the key files of components of features that are selected for install as well as non-advertised shortcuts whose component is selected for install.
Win32_ShortcutFileThe Win32_ShortcutFile class represent files that are shortcuts to other files, directories, and commands.
Win32_SIDRepresents an arbitrary SID -- CANNOT BE ENUMERATED
Win32_SIDandAttributesThis class represents a security identifier (SID) and its attributes.
Win32_SMBIOSMemoryThe Win32_SMBIOSMemory class represents the properties of a computer system's memory as seen through the System Management BIOS (SMBIOS) interface. The SMBIOS interface does not distinguish between non-volatile, volatile, and flash memories. As such, the CIM_Memory class is the parent class of all types of memory.
Win32_SoftwareElementSoftwareFeatures and SoftwareElements: A 'SoftwareFeature' is a distinct subset of a Product, consisting of one or more 'SoftwareElements'. Each SoftwareElement is defined in a Win32_SoftwareElement instance, and the association between a feature and its SoftwareFeature(s) is defined in the Win32_SoftwareFeatureSoftwareElement Association. Any component can be 'shared' between two or more SoftwareFeatures. If two or more features reference the same component, that component will be selected for installation if any of these features are selected.
Win32_SoftwareElementActionThis association relates an MSI software element with an action that access the element.
Win32_SoftwareElementCheckThis association relates an MSI element with any condition or locational information that a feature may require.
Win32_SoftwareElementConditionInstances of this class represent conditional checks that must be evaluated to TRUE before their associated Win32_SoftwareElement can be installed.
Win32_SoftwareElementResourceThis association relates an MSI feature with an action used to register and/or publish the feature
Win32_SoftwareFeatureSoftwareFeatures and SoftwareElements: A 'SoftwareFeature' is a distinct subset of a Product, consisting of one or more 'SoftwareElements'. Each SoftwareElement is defined in a Win32_SoftwareElement instance, and the association between a feature and its SoftwareFeature(s) is defined in the Win32_SoftwareFeatureSoftwareElement Association. Any component can be 'shared' between two or more SoftwareFeatures. If two or more features reference the same component, that component will be selected for installation if any of these features are selected.
Win32_SoftwareFeatureActionThis association relates an MSI feature with an action used to register and/or publish the feature
Win32_SoftwareFeatureCheckThis association relates an MSI feature with any condition or locational information that a feature may require.
Win32_SoftwareFeatureParentA generic association to establish dependency relationships between objects.
Win32_SoftwareFeatureSoftwareElements The CIM_SoftwareFeatureSoftwareElements associations identifies the software elements that make up a particular software feature.
Win32_SoundDeviceThe Win32_SoundDevice class represents the properties of a sound device on a Win32 computer system.
Win32_StartupCommandThe Win32_StartupCommand class represents a command that runs automatically when a user logs onto the computer system.
Win32_SubDirectoryThe Win32_Subdirectory class represents an association between a directory (folder) and one of its subdirectories (subfolders).
Win32_SubSessionThe Win32_SubSession association defines relationships between sessions where one session is a part of or utilizes another session for example where a Terminal session uses a Logon Session.
Win32_SystemAccountThe Win32_SystemAccount class represents a system account. The system account is used by the operating system and by services that run under Windows NT. There are many services and processes within NT that need the capability to logon internally (for example during a Windows NT installation). The system account was designed for that purpose; it is an internal account, does not show up in User Manager, cannot be added to any groups, and cannot have user rights assigned to it. On the other hand, the system account does show up on an NTFS volume in File Manager in the Permissions portion of the Security menu. By default, the system account is granted full control to all files on an NTFS volume. Here the system account has the same functional privileges as the administrator account.
Win32_SystemBIOSThe Win32_SystemBIOS class represents an association between a computer system (including data such as startup properties, time zones, boot configurations, or administrative passwords) and a system BIOS (services, languages, system management properties).
Win32_SystemBootConfigurationThe Win32_SystemBootConfiguration class represents an association between a computer system and its boot configuration.
Win32_SystemConfigurationChangeEventThe Win32_SystemConfigurationChangeEvent is an event class which indicates that the device list on the system has been refreshed. Refreshed meaning: a device has been added, removed, or the configuration changed. This event is fired when the windows message 'DevMgrRefreshOn' is sent. The exact change to the device list is not contained in the message and therefore a device refresh is required in order to obtain the current system settings. Examples of configuration changes affected are IRQ settings, COM ports and BIOS version, to name a few.
Win32_SystemDesktopThe Win32_SystemDesktop class represents an association between a computer system and its desktop configuration.
Win32_SystemDevicesThe Win32_SystemDevices class represents an association between a computer system and a logical device installed on that system.
Win32_SystemDriverThe Win32_SystemDriver class represents the system driver for a base service.
Win32_SystemDriverPNPEntityThe Win32_SystemDriverPNPEntity class represents an association between a Plug and Play device on the Win32 computer system and the driver that supports the Plug and Play device.
Win32_SystemEnclosureThe Win32_SystemEnclosure class represents the properties associated with a physical system enclosure.
Win32_SystemLoadOrderGroupsThe Win32_SystemLoadOrderGroups class represents an association between a computer system and a load order group.
Win32_SystemLogicalMemoryConfigurationThe Win32_SystemLogicalMemoryConfiguration class represents an association between a logical memory configuration and the computer system on which it exists. This class has been deprecated because the properties existing in the Win32_LogicalMemoryConfiguration class are now a part of the Win32_OperatingSystem class.
Win32_SystemMemoryResourceThe Win32_SystemMemoryResource class represents a system memory resource on a Win32 system.
Win32_SystemNetworkConnectionsThe Win32_SystemNetworkConnections class represents an association between a network connection and the computer system on which it resides.
Win32_SystemOperatingSystemThe Win32_SystemOperatingSystem class represents an association between a computer system and its operating system.
Win32_SystemPartitionsThe Win32_SystemPartitions class represents an association between a computer system and a disk partition on that system.
Win32_SystemProcessesThe Win32_SystemProcesses class represents an association between a computer system and a process running on that system.
Win32_SystemProgramGroupsThe Win32_SystemProgramGroups class represents an association between a computer system and a logical program group.
Win32_SystemResourcesThe Win32_SystemResources class represents an association between a system resource and the computer system it resides on.
Win32_SystemServicesThe Win32_SystemServices class represents an association between a computer system and a service program that exists on the system.
Win32_SystemSettingThe Win32_SystemSetting class represents an association between a computer system and a general setting on that system.
Win32_SystemSlotThe Win32_SystemSlot class represents physical connection points including ports, motherboard slots and peripherals, and proprietary connections points.
Win32_SystemSystemDriverThe Win32_SystemSystemDriver class represents an association between a computer system and a system driver running on that computer system.
Win32_SystemTimeZoneThe Win32_SystemTimeZone class represents an association between a computer system and a time zone.
Win32_SystemTraceThe SystemTrace class is the base class for all system trace events. System trace events are fired by the kernel logger via the event tracing API.
Win32_SystemUsersThe Win32_SystemUsers class represents an association between a computer system and a user account on that system.
Win32_TapeDriveThe Win32_TapeDrive class represents a tape drive on a Win32 computer. Tape drives are primarily distinguished by the fact that they can be accessed only sequentially.
Win32_TCPIPPrinterPortThe Win32_TCPIPPrinterPort class represents a TCP//IP service access point. For example a TCP/IP printer port. Note: The SE_LOAD_DRIVER_PRIVILEGE privilege is required on this class.
Win32_TemperatureProbeThe Win32_TemperatureProbe class represents the properties of a temperature sensor (electronic thermometer).
Win32_TerminalThe Win32_Terminal class is the element of the TerminalSetting association where groups such as: General, Logon, Session, Environment, Remote Control, Client, Network Adapter and Permission are several configuration setting classes.
Win32_TerminalServiceThe Win32_TerminalService class provides Terminal Service load balancing indicators.
Win32_TerminalServiceSettingThe Win32_TerminalServiceSetting class defines the configuration for TerminalServerSetting. This includes capabilities such as Terminal Server Mode, Licensing, Active Desktop, Permissions Capability,Deletion of Temporary folders and Temporary folders per session.
Win32_TerminalServiceToSettingThe Win32_TerminalServiceToSetting class is an association with Win32_TerminalService as the Element and Win32_TerminalServiceSetting as the Setting property that includes Terminal Server Mode,Licensing, Active Desktop, Permissions Capability, Deletion of Temporary folders and Temporary folders per session.
Win32_TerminalSettingThe Win32_TerminalSetting class is an abstract base class for all Terminal Service Setting classes.
Win32_TerminalTerminalSettingThe Win32_TerminalTerminalSetting class represents an association between a Terminal and its configuration settings.
Win32_ThreadThe Win32_Thread class represents a thread of execution.While a process must have one thread of execution, the process can create other threads to execute tasks in parallel. Threads share the process environment, thus multiple threads under the same process use less memory than the same number of processes.
Win32_ThreadStartTraceThe ThreadStartTrace event class indicates a new thread has started.
Win32_ThreadStopTraceThe ThreadStopTrace event class indicates a thread has terminated.
Win32_ThreadTraceThe ThreadTrace event class is the base event for thread events.
Win32_TimeZoneThe Win32_TimeZone class represents the time zone information for a Win32 system. This includes changes needed for the transition to and from daylight savings time.
Win32_TokenGroupsThe Win32_TokenGroups abstract class contains information about the group account security identifiers (SIDs) associated with an access token. For more information about token groups and the TOKEN_GROUPS structure, see the Access Tokens topic in the Platform SDK Access Control documentation.
Win32_TokenPrivilegesThe Win32_TokenPrivileges abstract class contains information about a set of privileges for an access token. Each process or thread in the job object has an access token specifying what resources and actions are available to it. For more information, see the Access Tokens topic in the Platform SDK Access Control documentation.
Win32_TrusteeSpecifies a trustee. Either a name or a SID (byte array) can be used
Win32_TSAccountThe Win32_TSAccount class allows deleting an existing account on the Win32_Terminal class and Modify exisiting Permissions
Win32_TSClientSettingThe Win32_TSClientSetting class defines the configuration for Win32_Terminal. This includes capabilities such as Connection policy, printer, drive, clipboard mappings, color depth and connection settings.
Win32_TSEnvironmentSettingThe Win32_TSEnvironmentSetting class defines the configuration for Win32_Terminal. This includes capabilities such as Initial program policy.
Win32_TSGeneralSettingThe Win32_TSGeneralSetting includes capabilities such as Protocol, Transport, Comment, Windows authentication and Encryption Level.
Win32_TSLogonSettingThe Win32_TSLogonSetting class allows configuring logon settings such as Username, Domain and PromptForPassword.
Win32_TSNetworkAdapterListSettingThe Win32_TSNetworkAdapterListSetting class enumerates IP address, GUID and Name of the Network Adapter.
Win32_TSNetworkAdapterSettingThe Win32_TSNetworkAdapterSetting class defines the configuration for Win32_Terminal. This includes capabilities such as Network Adapter, Maximum Connections etc.
Win32_TSPermissionsSettingThe Win32_TSPermissionsSetting class allows granting permissions to new accounts and restoring default permissions on the terminal.
Win32_TSRemoteControlSettingThe Win32_TSRemoteControlSetting class defines the configuration for Win32_Terminal. This includes capabilities such as Remote Control policy.
Win32_TSSessionDirectoryThe Win32_TSSessionDirectory class defines the configuration for Win32_TSSessionDirectorySetting. This includes capabilities such as Session Directory store, Cluster Name and Server IP address.
Win32_TSSessionDirectorySettingThe Win32_TSSessionDirectorySetting class is an association with Win32_TerminalService as the Element and Win32_TSSessionDirectory as the Setting property that includes Terminal Server Session Directory Location, Cluster Name and SessionDirectoryActive properties.
Win32_TSSessionSettingThe Win32_TSSessionSetting class defines the configuration for Win32_Terminal. This includes capabilities such as Time-limits, Disconnection and Reconnection actions.
Win32_TypeLibraryActionThe RegisterTypeLibraries action registers type libraries with the system. The action works on each file referenced which is triggered to be installed.
Win32_UninterruptiblePowerSupplyThe Win32_UninterruptiblePowerSupply class represents the capabilities and management capacity of an uninterruptible power supply (UPS). The properties of the UPS device indicate when incoming power is trimmed or boosted, and the aggregated information of the batteries, generators, etc. that comprise the device. These individual components (for example, multiple batteries) can also be independently modeled and associated with the UPS.
Win32_USBControllerThe Win32_USBController class manages the capabilities of a Universal Serial Bus (USB) controller.
Win32_USBControllerDeviceThe Win32_USBControllerDevice class represents an association between a Universal Serial Bus (USB) controller and the CIM_LogicalDevice connected to it.
Win32_USBHubThe Win32_USBHub class represents the management characterisitics of a USB Hub.
Win32_UserAccountThe Win32_UserAccount class contains information about a user account on a Win32 system.
Win32_UserDesktopThe Win32_UserDesktop class represents an association between a user account and desktop settings that are specific to it.
Win32_UserInDomainThe Win32_UserInDomain relationship identifies the user accounts associated with a NT domain.
Win32_UTCTimeDescribes an instance in time as returned by Win32ClockProvider. When a query is submitted to the Win32UTCClockProvider, the results are returned as Win32_UTCTime objects with times matching the query. These are returned as part of __InstanceModificationEvents
Win32_VideoConfigurationThe Win32_VideoConfiguration class is not active in releases after Windows 2000. It will not return any instances as there is no provider backing it. The Win32_VideoConfiguration class represents a configuration of a video subsystem. This class has been deprecated in favor of the properties contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor, and CIM_VideoControllerResolution classes
Win32_VideoControllerThe Win32_VideoController class represents the capabilities and management capacity of the video controller on a Win32 computer system. Examples: Video adapter manufacturer, chipset version, display resolution, and number of colors.
Win32_VideoSettingsThe WIn32_VideoSettings class represents an association between a video controller and video settings that can be applied to it.
Win32_VoltageProbeThe Win32_VoltageProbe class represents the properties of a voltage sensor (electronic voltmeter).
Win32_VolumeThe Win32_Volume class represents an area of storage on a hard disk. The class returns local volumes that are formatted, unformatted, mounted or offline. A volume is formatted by using a file system, such as FAT or NTFS, and may have a drive letter assigned to it. A single hard disk can have multiple volumes, and volumes can also span multiple disks. The Win32_Volume class does not support diskette drive management.
Win32_VolumeChangeEventThe Win32_VolumeChangeEvent class represents a local drive event resulting from the addition of a drive letter or mounted drive on the computer system (e.g. CDROM). Network drives are not currently supported.
Win32_VolumeQuotaThe Win32_VolumeQuota association relates a volume to the per volume quota settings.
Win32_VolumeQuotaSettingThe Win32_VolumeQuotaSetting class associates the disk quota setting with a specific disk volume.
Win32_VolumeUserQuotaThe Win32_VolumeUserQuota association relates per user quotas to quota enabled volumes. System administrators can configure Windows to prevent further disk space use and log an event when a user exceeds a specified disk space limit. They can also log an event when a user exceeds a specified disk space warning level. Note that disk quotas cannot be set for the Administrator accounts themselves.
Win32_WindowsProductActivationThe Win32_WindowsProductActivation class contains properties and methods that relate to Windows Product Activation such as: activation state, grace period and provides the ability to activate the machine online and offline.
Win32_WMIElementSettingThe Win32_WMIElementSetting class represents an association between a service running in the Win32 system, and the WMI settings it can use.
Win32_WMISettingThe Win32_WMISetting class is a Singleton class that contains the operational parameters for the WMI service. Win32_WMISetting can only have one instance. This single instance always exists for each Win32 system, and cannot be deleted. Additional instances cannot be created.